Real name: Kat

Where do you live? Chicago

Explanation of your handle: I live in Chicago, and love to bike

Explanation of your avatar: It's my bike!!, and I love it!!

Age: 45

Occupation: computer programmer

Favorite bike: my own... Giant OCR C3 composite

What's in your stable? Just my own bike

Fastest speed on a road bike? Well going down hill on the Horrible Hilly Hundred, I got up to 30mph!!!, and then started breaking. Going flat, I've got up to about 24mph

Another picture of yourself or your ride? soon...

What is the biggest lie you've ever told: if I could remember, then it wouldn't have been a lie...

Most memorable moment on my bike: Probably doing the Horrible Hilly Hundred... it was a blast!

Most fun ever had on a bike? probably on the tours... just finished a 130mile tour in one day, took 9hrs!!, ugggh!
