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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State

    Bad Seattle Drivers GRRRRR

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    So in the past year or so there have been several fatal/severe accidents between cars and bikes in the area. Rather than highlight the need for better facilities and better driver/cylcist education it really seems to have (and I'm stealing from someone else here) given the local drivers a sense of road entitlement and made them worse!!!
    I had some jerk buzz by me inches from my side today to get 10 feet ahead and stop at a stop light. So I pulled up next to him (normally I would take my place in line behind him)- I didn't say anything, I just wanted him to be aware that there was a cyclist on the road. He rolls down his window and says - do you need something? (this says to me he obviously knows he's done something wrong - otherwise why would he be assuming that I want anything) So all I say is -maybe you could get a little closer next time huh?..... He immediately turns to the new Seattle drivers excuse - when I see bikes stopping at stop signs then I'll give you room. WHAT! - first did he see me run a stop sign - no, he certainly did not and in any case what the h#ll does a cyclist running a stop sign have to do with the fact that he just put my life in danger!! When running a stop sign becomes a capital offense that can be enforced by civilans let me know, I'll start shooting all the cars that do California stops and make rights on red without stopping....
    To make it even better he proceeds to turn right without signaling, tailgate another car down the street and then turn left without signaling. Where does he get off criticizing any cyclists about being scoff laws in the first place.

    I just really hate that argument and its becoming more and more prevelent around here. When ever a cyclist gets hit its always - oh they are just asking for it - while in reality none of the bad accidents around here have had anything to do with the cyclists being scofflaws. Most of the ones I know about were caused by cars turning in front of cyclists descending a hill. But no, drivers here are beginning to feel its OK to menace a cyclist, since we are all bad people who run stop signs and lights and do a million other things just to annoy drivers. I'll admit to doing track stands at stop signs (I NEVER run red lights), but until all drivers have to open their door and put a foot on the pavement to prove that they are stopped I'll be unapologetic about that one. I'm stopped all right - I just don't unclip if I don't have to.

    OK off my soap box for now. I'm just p*$$ed cause it seems like there are more people who have been passing way too close recently and they seem to feel like they think its entirely OK to do it since some cyclists break traffic laws - as if most drivers didn't also.
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

    visit my flickr stream http://flic.kr/ps/MMu5N

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kent, Washington state
    You know, it's odd. I used to think that living on the East Hill was tough because we don't really appear to have the 'educated' crowd that Seattle should have.

    But, I've never had a driver even come close to me. I've never had things thrown at me. I've never had people swear at me. When I've had to take the lane to make left turns, the drivers have been quite understanding. True, I've had some people go fast around me to beat me to the light, but they have not buzzed me in doing so.

    Knock on wood.

    East Hill

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Maybe he was from CA.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    We used to blame a lot of our problems on California, but I can say that the talk show hosts have done bicyclists a horrible disservice. I wish I knew a litigious lawyer who wanted to take them on with a class action suit.
    By stirring up hatred and anger in their listeners, they've changed the attitude
    of drivers towards bikers here.
    Eden, I'm sorry you ran into that idiot. At least you were prepared.
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orlando, FL
    yeah, from all of the stuff I've read, it seems that cyclists and drivers are at war with eachother. I read an article about big peleton rides down in south florida and there really wasn't a lot of good arguments on why it should be outlawed or not be outlawed (there were a few though) and cyclists who are associated with peletons that take the entire road (yes, sometimes unneccessarily) give all cyclists a bad name and all cyclists are now demonized! Yet, the last time I checked, a cyclist doesn't have a good chance winning the battle against a car so why would a cyclist jerk around when it could her/him killed. Seems obvious to me, but hey what do I know, Im just a 'dumb cyclist'
    What really scared me were the comments left on the message board by both cyclists and drivers (but the drivers scared me more). Some of these comments were violent, ex:
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Break out the pepper spray, guaranteed those bikes will move!
    Cyclist Sucks
    Hollywood, FL
    I made a special set of extra long mirrors for my truck and go out on
    sundays to take out the riders. It is so much fun, they eventually
    learn that doubling up can get them hit. These bikers are a bunch of
    idiots. Everyone should get extra long rearview mirrors.
    Miami, FL
    here's a thought, install a pepper spray nozzle on the right side of
    your vehicle and give them a little love spray on your way by!

    This frightens me but does not deter me from riding! In this case, we all need to be more considerate and respectful, for life is a precious thing (as cheesy as that sounds). Here are links to both the article and the message board:



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I have seen similar stuff on Seattle Newpaper forums too. The nastiness and even death threats scares me to death.
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    When I think about it, I think about hte courage it takes people to stand up to that stuff (and the people who have done that for all and sundry reasons through the years and centuries).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Eden View Post
    OK off my soap box for now. I'm just p*$$ed cause it seems like there are more people who have been passing way too close recently and they seem to feel like they think its entirely OK to do it since some cyclists break traffic laws - as if most drivers didn't also.
    Of course you are correct. It's also very human to feel the way you do now. I've been there many times. I've finally come to the realization that this is something that I cannot fix, so I'm going to cross it off the list of things for which I'm willing to devote good energy. Jerks (not bad drivers) own cars, and act like jerks when on the road. The unfortunate part is that this jerks are now deadly.

    Know your risks, and be as safe as possible. I wish there was a better solution!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by VeloChick View Post
    Of course you are correct. It's also very human to feel the way you do now. I've been there many times. I've finally come to the realization that this is something that I cannot fix, so I'm going to cross it off the list of things for which I'm willing to devote good energy. Jerks (not bad drivers) own cars, and act like jerks when on the road. The unfortunate part is that this jerks are now deadly.

    Know your risks, and be as safe as possible. I wish there was a better solution!
    You're right of course, but in the last few weeks, I have run into "nice guys"
    where I work who are unreasonably PO'd at bikers, because they have been listening to angry rantings against bicyclists... These are people I have worked with for years, they mind their manners, are good to their wives and children... but their perception has changed, that we are the ENEMY, and foolish for even riding our bikes on the streets around here.
    I am concerned that as perceptions change, folks that were never jerks before will be transformed into jerks... and endanger us some more.
    I gave my DH a marine corps jersey for St V day; he plans to wear it on solo bike rides for "protection"
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    Yup, during my hill repeats on Tuesday I was buzzed by one driver (who nearly ran over a couple of ducks crossing the street about 10 feet in front of me) and then harassed by another. (I SWEAR it has not been like this until recently - maybe I've just had a bad couple of days) Grinding up the hill I was actually passing another cyclist and avoiding a badly torn up/sandy shoulder. Some guy comes up behind and beeps - when I don't immediately scurry out of his way he beeps more and drives up real slow beside me to give me the stink eye - and it was entirely unnecessary - its a low traffic street, the view in front of us was clear and no one was coming to block him from just passing me. Sheesh - some of these people really do think that we have no right to be out on the road and they are out to show us how bad we are. The people who stir up bike dislike not only spread the idea that we should be hated, they spead distruths about what rights bike have on the roads. I am sometimes afraid that some driver who wants to "teach me a lesson" by passing too close or some such other bone headed manoever will hurt me.
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

    visit my flickr stream http://flic.kr/ps/MMu5N

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    It sounds like you are having a run of bad luck, I have not heard of a dramatic change in incidence of idiots from the RCC guys; and they ride in the dark !
    sorry about that. If they knew how cute and little you were
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Try riding another foot or three out into the lane. I do *not* understand why, but it's happened too often to deny, but drivers seem to get less annoyed. (It *might* help to be pedaling as opposed to coasting - I always make sure I am.)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Geonz View Post
    Try riding another foot or three out into the lane. I do *not* understand why, but it's happened too often to deny, but drivers seem to get less annoyed. (It *might* help to be pedaling as opposed to coasting - I always make sure I am.)
    I don't think Eden knows how to coast .
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Like many, I find this thread disturbing--whatever happened to yield to lesser mode of a traffic? Drivers Ed 101: car yields to bike yields to pedestrian yields to ducks. We're, at best, 1/10th of the weight of the cars and trucks. We don't stand a chance if they don't give us one. I'm saddened that people think we're targets and saddened more that other people are swayed by the angry people.

    But, more so given the timing of this thread. Other threads here at TE in the last week have been on reducing ecological footprint. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Seattle area is one where the weather would easily permit nearly year round commuting. Thus, to hear that the drivers aren't happy with cyclists makes my green heart turn red.

    And it doesn't have to be that way. In the last week, the pro race on Mallorca just took place (more synchronicity). I rode on Mallorca. The roads are narrow and are often twisty, turnies with blind corners. Yet a bicycle doesn't need to fear (caution, yes, but fear, no). The drivers are courteous. Beeps of are of "hey, I'm here and passing you" not 'get off the road". The cars are looking for you just like they are looking for other cars. Sure, bicycle tourism fills their winter, but many of those cars are also tourists. We can co-exist. It is sad that some think we cannot.

    But, I will sieze my right to be on that road. And I will continue to yield to the slower mode of transportation. It is just common courtesy.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    Quote Originally Posted by Geonz View Post
    Try riding another foot or three out into the lane. I do *not* understand why, but it's happened too often to deny, but drivers seem to get less annoyed. (It *might* help to be pedaling as opposed to coasting - I always make sure I am.)
    For the most part I already do - Unless there is a large clean shoulder, I am a big proponant of taking the lane as I too have found that drivers will give you more room if they have to cross the center line rather than thinking that they can squeeze by, plus we have a lot of on street parking around here and there is no way I'm putting myself in the door zone... the problem is recently people have been squeezing by *anyway* - I believe we have a 3 foot passing law here, but most drivers are not educated about bicycles at all. We also have a law that says you cannot pass another vehicle if there is a bicycle coming towards you (this after a school teacher was killed by a person passing who hit her head on), but no one knows about that one and I've never seen it enforced. And Mimi is correct I rarely coast at least not when I'm out on my own unless I am coming to a stop or going downhill.
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

    visit my flickr stream http://flic.kr/ps/MMu5N



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