sigh, i am just getting over another bout of whooping cough. i had this disease 3.5 years ago, and then i got it again about 5 weeks ago

had the devil's own job convincing the docs that i did indeed have whooping cough again... oh no, they said, that's just not possible. well it is, blood tests proved it. not that i had any doubt... having had it once, it was EXACTLY the same second time around....coughing coughing coughin... interspersed with vomiting and incontinence... sorry way too much information, but i need to tell someone or i'll go mad

i havent been on my bike for 4.5 weeks . it sucks. i felt so sick i couldnt even be bothered checking TE

anyway, am on the mend now. just wanted to have a little whinge and feel sorry for myself

thanks for listening, and i really am getting better. i've had 3 nights now where i havent been up have the night in the bathroom