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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    this week

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    Down .3 (25.1 to go) 43 miles

    A light biking week for me - weather, work, life...

    I am excited for this thread! I would like to put out one word of caution to those who are saying I want to lose XX by XX date. Don't let the date parameters get in the way. The important part is that the numbers are going down. While I was losing my weight (100+ lbs) I started doing that, and then would get frustrated when I did not meet my date goals. So, I gave up the date goals and concentrated on lbs, in small chunks. In the beginning I used 10 lb goals. These days as I chip away at the last few, I use 5lb goals.

    If not now, when?

  2. #47
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Trish has a great point about setting date goals. In addition to becoming disappointed or feeling like you failed when you can't "make the date," you might try to lose weight too rapidly or in a way that isn't sustainable over the long haul. I have made that mistake in the past when I would lose large amounts of weight over fairly short periods of time. Even though I lost weight in a healthy manner I ended up just gaining the weight back because I hadn't made long-term, sustainable changes to my life.

    I'm trying to set goals that aren't necessarily weight related in the hopes that the end result will be a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

    This week's goals:

    Ride 50 miles (33 to go!)
    Lift weights 2 times
    Drink 64oz of water daily

    I wish you all luck with setting, and meeting your goals!


  3. #48
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In addition to riding I am also running. I'm not running very far or very fast, but I am trying to run some. My daughter runs marathons and I would like to try to do a short race with her in the future. This week-end I was plodding along a trail around the lake when a couple of very fast runners passed me coming and going. As each of these very fast women passed me, they each gave me an "atta girl" or "good job". This truly made me feel great (even though I started sobbing uncontrolably). I was able to finish my 40 minute,2.5 mile plod. Thank you to all the fast people for encouraging this slow one to continue the plod.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Pammycakes -- that's so inspiring! What great women! And good for YOU!

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I'm trying to lose 50+ lbs. Although, mostly I'd like to feel fitter. About a 1 1/2 yrs ago, I decided I needed to start taking care of myself. With mostly minor lifestyle changes, I was able to lose 15# (mostly in the booty! ) and lose two dress sizes. I keep a fitness journal. I'm terrible about logging things as I've never really gotten into the habit of keeping a diary. However, the few entries I have of my measurements, goals, set-backs, and insights into the hows and whys of my past weight gain has been very helpful. I have something I can occasionally glance at to remind me how far I've come. Sure I haven't lost the original 65# that I set out for myself but I've manage to lose some of it and am working on losing the rest. When my weight changed very little a few months back, I realized that I needed to add more cardio to my fitness routine. Hence one of the reasons for cycling!

    Thank-you ladies for sharing your stories. You're been very inspirational to me. I think you are very brave for starting this journey of becoming more fit. And I hope that we can all be a part of each others' successes.


  6. #51
    Join Date
    May 2007


    COUNT ME IN! Here's MY story. I'm 41 yrs old. (ugg). Last month, I was 256 lbs. I'm old, I'm tired, and I'm FAT. I want to lose around 100 lbs. I bought my bike last fall. I rode a bit, not a lot. This year, I am RIDING. I did my first organized ride, 12 miles. Felt like an accomplishment until you realize I kept up with a 93 yr old man! :^). So, for mother's day I rode 20 miles. That's been my highest number so far. I would like to
    lose weight, get my MPH up to over 10, (I've been riding for 3 weeks, and keeping a log. I started out at 6-7 mph, am up to 8-9). I took measurements, and started weighing. I don't like the weighing. discouraging to see gain even though I KNOW muscle weighs more than fat, and I've definately been building muscle. I feel FANTASTIC.
    I ride in our local State park, it has a road that goes all the way around in a circle that is just over 3 miles, and if I go down a side road and back, it's about 8. Lots of small inclines, 1 major hill, (if you go counterclockwise, not so major if you go clockswise but still tough :^). Last year, I had to walk the bike up it Counter clockwise, this year, I'm riding it.

    So, need advice! nutrition, water, electrolytes, (gatoraide makes me nauseous), etc. I have given up diet pepsi, (a few slips here and there though), and try to eat yogurt everyday. Other than that, not a lot of changes, except I am HUNGRY after riding.

    Let's get losing!


  7. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Great thread! In addition to all the other great advice (SparkPeople.com) & inspiration here, I'd like to tell you about a book I'm reading -- Secrets of a Former Fat Girl by Lisa Delaney. "Fat girl" is not just a number on a scale, but your mind & spirit. This is NOT a diet (nasty 4-letter word) book, but how to change your image of yourself as a "fat girl". I have laughed, cried, and gasped at how this author perfectly understands the thought process of this soon-to-be former fat girl.

    Kudos to us all for taking the first (or fifteenth) step towards being healthy women.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    For me, my attitude about being a "fat girl" changed when I started riding my bike. Maybe part of it was just wearing spandex in public, but now I admire my calves and examine my thighs and think how strong and muscular they are. My middle is still a big fat round squishy tomato. (Apple sounds much too firm and in shape!)

    But I have a knit dress I haven't worn because it hugs me too tight, and shows my fat off too clearly, and I wore it last week anyway. I like the way it shapes my back and backside, and I like the way my legs look, and I wore a long scarf hanging down in front to perhaps camo some of the fat.

    I have a different body image, just because I feel like more of an athlete (even though I'm not an athlete by a long shot -- but I'm working toward it).

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    St. Paul, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by pooks View Post
    I have a different body image, just because I feel like more of an athlete (even though I'm not an athlete by a long shot -- but I'm working toward it).
    I know this feeling! It's great, I had never seen myself as athletic before - 'total klutz' is more like it. But a few weeks ago I hit some sort of sweet spot of weight loss and increased strength, and ever since then I have been feeling more like an athlete and less like a slug, even though I'm still 60 pounds over my goal weight.

    While I'm delurking... hi, everyone! I'm 30, 5'3", current weight 195, down from about 221 since February. Started losing with a combination of simple calorie counting (I use calorieking.com to track my food, with a target around 1600 cal/day) and strength training at the YMCA (bodypump anyone?). When my weight got below 200, I rewarded myself with a bike - a 2007 Specialized Globe Sport, my first new bike in 20 years! Back in college my bike was my main transport, and I've missed it. In the past month I've put about 100 miles on the new bike and commuted to work (and home again - always harder) 3 times. My goal is to commute by bike MWF but so far the weather hasn't been cooperating.

    Hope y'all are having a good weekend. Mr. C and I rode 6 miles this morning while the day was nice - now that the storms have rolled in, time to get to work.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I am so glad to find this post. I was just skimming by and found it and it really touched me. I am glad I am not the only one out there. It has been so frustrating just trying to lose any weight, I have low back problems and neck problems which cause me to have migraines. I start working out and do good for a month or so and then end up in some sort of pain and have to stop for a while and then try to motivate myself to start again. It has been a vicious cycle. I just went this Saturday and bought a new bike and now my husband and I are planning on riding as much as we can. So I hope this will be the new beginning for me. I have somewhere between 50-80 lbs to lose depending on what my body sees is correct. And my first goal is 5 lbs!!! So when I get my bike on Thursday (it had to be ordered), I am going for it with all my gears!!
    Thanks for the support and hopefully I can encourage someone else.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Transplanted to a state of beer: Latrobe-Pittsburgh


    Polliwog congratulations for getting back on your bike.

    life went into a tailspin for me. '04, i left my job; a month later the day before my bday my dad passed. I weighed 320+lbs at his funeral. I just wanted to ride b/c I missed that feeling of when I taught myself how to ride my sisters bike. freedom, happiness and truly focused.

    June '05 i got Felty and just rode for the pleasure. I couldn't quiet my desire. during the winters i danced, walked around my apt/the block & shovelled just so i wouldn't become horribly depressed. i just stirred and repeated '05 in '06.

    Feb '07 i went to the hospital and was told i weighed 260lbs. i told them the machine was broke. i pulled all of my 'old-not-a-4X' clothing box and fit everything below a 24. All of my Terry cycling outfits (4X) really swing in the wind and I need a tailor to alter my clothes.

    I went to visit my LBS owner this April to find he gained the 80lbs i lost. almost made me cry as he's a VERY, VERY HANDSOME MAN! Did I tell you how handsome he is? Mercy! and Taken!

    changing the what, how and when you eat and the activities in your life is a life change. everything takes time and I'm in no rush for the next 120lbs to drop. i think i get most of my workout looking in the closet to see what fits for the day. i haven't worn a size 18 in over 20 years..back to the consignment shop and good will.

    keep riding, walking, swimming....keep moving and having fun.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I hope everybody is feeling successful right now. I'm absolutely loving posting my info at sparkpeople (even though I'm keeping it all private) and am losing weight, which is phenomenal.

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    foothills of the Ozarks aka Tornado Alley
    I am glad this thread was started because it's encouraging to see so many people motivated to make a healthy change in their lifestyle. It's nice to have a community of supporters here who understand the struggle to lose or maintain a healthy weight--myself included. I am a newbie that has been lurking and finally joined this friendly forum. I guess misery loves company, lol.

    I have been struggling with my weight the past 3 years and I'm once again motivated to cycle again. Ironically, several years ago when I was putting in the mileage, I injured my knee. I laid out for awhile and I'm ready to get back into it. I am going to try the Speedplay Frog pedals in hopes that I won't have to be sidelined due to knee pain.

    I really wish the best for the members who have have set a weight goal. Maybe we can all continue to uplift and encourage each other as we work toward our individual goals.

    This is a fun forum and I look forward to being a part of this group.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    I'm not the only one!

    I was so glad to see this topic that I went and registered so that I could respond. I thought I might be the only heavy person looking to find the right clothes, learn how to shift gears, and lose 100 pounds (I'm 5'4" and about 220). I'm not alone anymore!

    I started riding about a year and a half ago when I got a very active young Australian Cattle Dog in a moment of madness at the pound. He's a great dog, but there was no way my 58 year old knees could walk that dog enough to get the crazies out. I bought a device called a Walkydog that attaches to the seat post and allows me to keep both hands on the handlebars and the dog (named Bob) out of the spokes. We started slowly, half a block the first time. But he loved it, and we were soon going 4-6 miles in the morning before work. I've got a Specialized hybrid bike that DH gave me for Christmas (ever hopeful) the year before we got the dog. There aren't many hills here in Central Illinois, and no big ones, but I couldn't get up the one that I live on when I started. I have had some successes. I feel a lot better. I have muscles I've never had before, even when I was 20. I just got back from a bike and barge trip from Brussels to Amsterdam where I rode about 30 miles a day for a week, and I didn't hold the group up or embarrass myself. Poor Bob doesn't always get to go with me any more, because sometimes I want to go faster and farther than he can, and in summer he just can't take too much heat. Don't worry; he still gets out many days, if only for a "tour de neighborhood". And we also got him a little buddy, a cocker spaniel. So if he doesn't get a bike ride, he can chase her around the living room. I've started commuting occasionally too, and am resolving to quit making excuses and do it more often. I'm a little hesitant about traffic, though. Bob and I stick to quiet neighborhoods and the wonderful bike trail we have here. During the winter I swam three days a week and rode the stationary bicycle in the basement a couple of days. (DH rides it every day while he plays video games, and commutes to work.)

    But I haven't lost any weight. I'm eating healthier in many ways, but I still have trouble negotiating the treats at work, or being left alone in the kitchen. I guess I've just got to keep making those small changes until they add up to enough. I resolved a couple of years ago not to diet anymore. I'm not going to all that trouble to lose weight and have it come right back on. I was trying for "lifestyle changes" that I can maintain for the rest of my life.
    But I've been reconsidering. I really need to get rid of some of this weight so I can go faster!

    Anyway, I'm glad to "meet" you, and I hope we can keep the conversation going. You're an inspiration!


  15. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Welcome Kris! You sound like me. Lifestyle changes made incrementally. You're on the right path!

    You should try lifting weights, as well. Just get some dumbbells and do some of the obvious exercises. Do some squats and lunges, gently and slowly, while holding the weights. There are some cheap DVDs at Wal-Mart for this purpose.

    Someone here posted a website about weightlifting to prevent osteoporosis. It was sponsored by some pharm company, but I can't remember which. Thought I bookmarked it but now I can't find it.

    Keep riding!




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