Okay so I'm not the only Tri obsessed girl at work Today we were both bombarded in the lunch room by these statements which we had a good laugh at.

1: You wear you heart rate monitor on your work commute and check to see what it's doing throughout the day
2: You ride home in the rain because you're used to "swim, ride" training and don't really notice the difference wearing wet lycra
3: You scoff at people who say "take the bus" when it's SOOOOO much easier to ride there
4: You do your run training as you deliver paperwork to other parts of the hospital
5: You use a PEDOMETER or ACCELOROMETER to measure the distance taken above
6: You carbo load on your lunch break when everyone else is dieting to be "bikinitastic"

Feel free to ADD to this list if you've been bombarded as well.