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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Ann Arbor, MI

    Meditation Mondays

    It started out as a totally unmotivated monday. The alarm went off at 6 for my AM recovery ride (aka: wake up the weekend's over!) but it turned into a "recovery sleep 'til 7." At which point i dragged myself out of bed and guzzled a cup of caffeine before showering and putting on "real clothes" that suspiciously resembled my PJs.
    So i rode to class (statistics at 9 am-- aka torture for a lib arts major) and told myself that "it's okay, this 3 mile ride to class will be enough of a recovery for your legs"
    slept, erm... sat and listened "attentively" to lecture, then went to lab (staring at a computer screen while a grad student repeats the same info from the lecture). meanwhile, the wind is blowing (again) and the clouds are threatening (again) and i'm about to switch tonight to yoga night and tuesday to recovery ride day, even though it's forcast to storm for another week.
    and then-- the miracle. lab gets out 45 minutes early, which means i have 1:45 before i have to get to work, instead of just an hour. which means, less the 15 minutes it takes me to ride home to get my shtuff, i have 1:30 minutes to ride and shower. it's BIKE TIME!!!! 15 minutes later, i'm in the door and throwing on my riding gear, out the door, and on my bike, whizzing down the hill outside my apt. building, praying for the rain to hold off (it did!)
    i'm living off campus during the spring 1/2 term, which means i'm depressingly far from other students, but joyfully close to my favorite road route (and, as i learned yesterday, down the street from the only mtn route in the county ).
    so i decided to make this a "meditation ride." pedal the whole way (no coasting-- except for over potholes and rr tracks) at 80-90 rpm, no looking at the speedometer or odometer. just spinning in circles and following the white line on the side of the road. i got in The Zone. for possibly the first time-- the nirvana of sports.
    whew!!! 1:05 hrs, 18.5 miles, gale-force winds both ways (and cross winds, to boot!!) but i tell ya, that was one of the best rides EVER. i kept picturing the "blue screen o' doom" on my computer and the message it has: "beginning dump of memory"... that's what i was doing! good bye stats! good bye databasing dead plants at work! good bye dishes and laundry and bills and declaring majors!
    25 minutes to shower, eat lunch, and breathe before running to job #2. yaaay!!!!
    hooray for monday!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I love those mental health rides

    Hooray for YOU!!



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