I wasn't really sure where to post this and I've avoided posting until this evening. Most of you know I make my own bike gear, I don't put/use a chamois in my shorts or the pair of tights I have made. Until recently I didn't notice a problem but I just moved the crotch insert from the awkward position it was sewn in and sewed in OVER the closed seam and the tights are FINALLY comfortable to wear AND stay up better. Since I've moved this material essentially making an equivalent to a chamois out of lycra, I've noticed an odour after washing. I have washed multiple times and just this evening, I took 1/4 capful of liquid laundry soap and HAND SCRUBBED the material I then rewashed the tights AGAIN. I still smell an odour.
I would be concerned enough about this as I'm very self conscious about any body odour anyways, but recently there was a person that I don't even know that had posted some very nasty things about me on my local cycling forum one item in particular that said I smelled like the crap house door of a tuna boat. Needless to say, I'm even more self conscious of ANY hint of odour. Do I need to trash these tights and make new ones? I don't have the problem in my shorts, they are made differently and don't have the sewn in crotch. Should I see if I can take the piece back out without destroying the tights? If I do that then I will have an exposed seam that cause even more problems with comfort.
I appreciate any ideas. I'm embarassed to even have to ask this in the first place, but I sure don't want to have something that a troll said about me have ANY basis in truth for further fodder.