Quote Originally Posted by Jiffer View Post
I highly recommend a bike fit and I would be surprised if anyone here didn't. Even as a recreational rider, if you are having pain, a bike fit could help with that and make your rides more enjoyable.

During the bike fit, your bike position will probably be assessed, so you'll know what you might need to do differently.

Even a small adjustment on your seat or handlebars can make a big difference.

As for choosing which bike fit person to go with, it would be helpful if you could get a recommendation from someone (or several someones). The guy I used is the only guy I'm familiar with and know several people who have gone to him and like him. I don't know what the standard is for other bike fits, but he did a lot more than adjust my bike. Before adjusting it, he measured me in various ways. He had my lie down and checked my flexibility. I found out my right leg wasn't as flexible as my left, which was causing a lot of pain on long rides. He put the bike on a trainer with a computer hooked up, watched me pedal and told me what I needed to do to pedal more efficiently. He told me how to properly sit on the bike, to put more of my weight on the saddle than on the handlebars (which helps with neck and shoulder pain . . . but is hard to do!).

After my bike fit, I was a new rider. Less pain and more speed. I highly recommend it.

If you can't get a recommendation from someone, at least ask the three you are aware of what all is included in the fit. $400 is a lot to invest. Hopefully you'll get good feedback on the least expensive option. I think that's around what I paid, but I don't know what the going rates are around here . . . if it's cheaper than where you are.

As for whether to do it now or wait, I'd say that's up to you. Since you are only riding recreationally and want to make the most of the 12 month period, maybe wait. But I think that's your call depending on how much more riding you think you'll do this season, etc.
Thanks for your reply! I'm leaning towards getting a bike fit because I think it will improve my position and performance and I can actually get more miles in the limited time I have. I'm leaning towards the guy in the first link because he is a member of my club (I don't know him but others so) and he is also a coach which means that he may be able to give me some pointers. As a total newb, I've learned everything from scouring the internet but have never had anyone actually see me ride or give me tips on how to improve. He is the cheapest of the 3. I guess I will be better off waiting until next Spring as I plan to ride in Sept and Oct but will most likely not ride much past then. Also, I think spending $400 on a real high tech bike fit when I'm only a recreational rider may be a waste.

Appreciate the advice.