Again, just beautiful, rebecca. Question: do you find the altitude to be an issue? I suspect a flatlander like me would need some time to adjust.

As for me, had my four week progress check with the doctor, today. Was hoping for something a bit more definitive and conclusive, but all he did was take an X ray of my spine in the damaged area to see if it has been maintaining proper alignment while I heal. Also did all the reflexes, nerve and strength tests. Everything checked out, perfectly. I am grateful for the results, but I'm still to be in a brace for another few weeks, at least, and won't be released from the brace until that final check. Well, there goes my summer, as far as bicycling. I shouldn't be disappointed, but I am. Had hoped to be bicycling, sooner, but that's not going to happen. Oh, well.

Rain, today, but much needed rain, so no complaint, there. Probably won't go for a walk, then, but my heart just isn't in it, anyway. May do the trainer, later.