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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Question Short newbie - having issues - help!!

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    So happy I stumbled upon this forum. I am as newbie to spinning as it gets.

    I just received an amazing gift. A brand new shiny ProForm 590 SPX bike.

    All excited - all put together.

    I am 5'2 (short legs) and after reviews from other short people, thought this bike would work. The seats stem puts me at a height at about an inch of being uncomfortable. I have moved the seat all the way forward, the handlebars all the way to the 1 position and the seat as far down as it goes.

    When I extend my legs to 12 & 6 - the fully extended leg is just shy. I am a tad bit short it feels like. If the stem was a tiny bit shorter it would work.

    So my questions are...

    If I change pedals, or seats or anything ... will it help? Is this an option? I don't want to disassemble and ship it back.

    Am I not doing something right?

    Thanks so much!

    Link to bike incase you need to see the stem, etc.. or assembly height.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Washington State
    So, I'm assuming this bike has push-pin adjustments (i.e. holes that you adjust by pushing the pin into)? I've taught cycle classes for several years and have recently given up all classes that have this type of adjustment.

    I'm 5'1" and although I have a 29" inseam I could never really get comfortable on this type of bike and am now dealing with some over-use injuries.

    If you can't get the seat at a comfortable level and you plan to use this bike a lot, I would actually consider returning it and getting something with infinate adjustments such as a Keiser M3 w/computer or something of that ilk.

    If you make too many adjustments and they still don't work, remember that they're unlikely to take it back. Sometimes it's easier to just admit it doesn't fit.
    Vertically challenged, but expanding my horizons.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    +1 on the push-pin adjustment. Five millimeters makes a HUGE difference in seat height, and those things usually adjust in increments of 20 mm or more. When you're small, it's an even greater issue, because the increment is a greater percentage of your leg length.

    The other thing about those bikes is the crankarm length. Often they come with non-replaceable cranks of 175 mm or even longer - again, way too long for most smaller people. I can't ride spin bikes at all without hurting my knees. (Which is a perfect excuse for not having to learn to teach cycling at my gym. )
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    On my bike
    I'm assuming that when you extend your leg with a flat foot that your leg is straight and/or you have to point your toe? When you extend your leg with a flat foot, you should have a slight bend to your knee. I'm assuming that you just need an inch or two to get you in a correct position.

    I looked at the link & the seat looks pretty padded. Maybe a change there would get you lower. Also, if you add shoes & clips, rather than cages, that might help. Do you have any old platform shoes? Just kidding...

    A problem with the seat being too high is that your hips rock side to side & eventually may give you some problems with your lower back. I have some spin students who were told many years ago that their legs should be straight & now they're talking about lower back pain. They have bad muscle memory, so anything set up correctly feels wrong to them.
    To train a dog, you must be more interesting than dirt.

    Trek Project One
    Trek FX 7.4 Hybrid



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