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Thread: Rain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Somerville, MA


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    I need to whine for a minute, and I think some of you other New Englanders might be sharing my frustrations right now.

    I can't take this weather anymore. It's one thing to ride in the rain (that can actually be fun when it's warm), but to ride in pouring rain when it's 45 degrees is another scenario altogether.

    Training on a schedule is very important to me. If I don't stick to it, I'll lose all momentum I've built so far this season. But it's kind of hard to keep motivation high when you look out the window and can almost feel the ice cold water sneaking into your rain booties and through your shoes, running off your helmet in streams, and spraying fiercely in all directions off your wheels.

    Call me weak, but after being sent home from a group ride a few weeks ago with mild hypothermia, I promised myself I'd never get into that situation again. I can imagine few worse feelings.

    I hate cycling indoors, but I may hate this more. I think it's time to bite the bullet and get on the trainer tonight...

    Happy training, everyone. Here's to the sun's prompt return.
    "By perseverance the snail reached the ark."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Central Indiana
    I feel your pain. The weather in the Midwest has been wet and cold (minus last week) too. As bummed as I've been about it, I have to remind myself that so many people are truly suffering in the U.S. because of the weather. It keeps things in perspective. Just hang in there. I, personally, having been running more. It's far less weather dependent.
    Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

    --Mary Anne Radmacher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Buffalo, NY
    I'm having the same problem here in WNY. I got in a good week of riding and then this lovely wet weather hit. I'm going stir crazy. Although, I'm thinking I should just suck it up and go for a cold, wet ride. And then I step outside. I thought maybe watching the Tour of California riders ride around Tahoe in the snow would give me courage to go riding in the rain - but then they cancelled so I couldn't use that as motivation. Time to do a sun dance? There are rain dances - isn't there a sun dance?? Or even just a "please stop being cold" dance?

    2006 Specialized Dolce Elite/Specialized Stock Saddle
    2011 Surly LHT/Brooks S Flyer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    no better out here.... we haven't had any consistently nice weather up in the PNW for about 2 years.... other than a nice day here and there (today!) its either been cold and wet (most of the time) or around 100 (a few days last summer)....
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Same here. Thank goodness for my gym membership, or I really would be off my rocker by now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ
    Well, we have had horrible winds for days and days and days! And, now, we're supposed to get rain and wind for the next two days (it will be cold enough at night to snow too!). I'm really tired of this too!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I am considering actually purchasing a trainer....in MAY!!!!!!!! Yikes! Hopefully things will break soon...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Once March comes, we put the trainers away. It's a pain to bring the bikes in from their shed and set up everything for the trainer.
    Yes, this weather sucks. It's driving me nuts. And I am not "training" for anything, but my miles are severely lacking this year. Yesterday I ran on my treadmill and lifted weights. This morning, I couldn't face that again, so I went outside and walked briskly with DH at 6:30 AM. It was 45 degrees and intermittently pouring and misting. DH, who never walks or runs as fast as me decided to go out fast from the beginning. Half way through the walk, I feel my hamstring calling out. It's really hurting now. I was just walking too fast for the temperature, early time, etc. It had better feel better tomorrow. I came home and did yoga for 35 minutes and stretched, so hopefully it will help.
    I am thinking of putting on my rain gear and riding my hybrid, if even for 10 miles tomorrow. It has fenders, so I can take it. I might also check out some health clubs. I am starting to wish I had the option of a spin class or step class or something...
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bedford, MA
    Arg!! The weather is driving me crazy too. I went to Cape Cod over the weekend. Sunday we went for a ride in the AM and it started out wet and misty then it got actually sunny for about an hour! We lucked out because then it poured. But I actually got in a 42 mile ride that day. Monday and Tuesday we went out in the AM in the rain-- really short rides especially Tuesday where we went out 20 minutes before it poured.

    When DH and I were on a group ride last Saturday he said to the guy next to him, "Well, February is almost over." The guy said, "Did you say February?" "Yup, sure did," responded DH.
    "Why walk when you can bike?"
    Luna Eclipse
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    All have Selle SMP TRK saddles.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I'm frustrated, too, and I'm not training for anything.

    We've been luckier than New England, with some nice weather, but this week is horrible. I had a nasty stomach virus and as soon as I felt well enough to get out, the rain hit.

    Hope everyone is back on the road soon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ
    Yep, it is about 40 and raining this morning! Thankfully no snow.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ahhh I couldn't agree more with all of you!! It certainly has been a very challenging spring. Like some of you, I've been back on the trainer, but of course always look for the nice "outdoor" ride.

    Being a shop owner, I can also tell you that it is truly driving everyone indoors. When the sun is projected, then the shop gets busy again, but otherwise I'm puttering on shop projects. I've heard the same thing from everyone, whether you are a contractor, are in landscaping etc...

    Hopefully we'll all start to see sun here on a regular basisI know I'm looking forward to shutting down the woodstove.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Spokewrench, if I saw snow now, well, it wouldn't be nice.
    I went for a 13 mile ride on my hybrid this morning, the same route I do at 5:30 AM, before work, usually on the road bike. I pulled out my rain pants, which I haven't worn in 4 years and wore my Gore Alp-X cycling boots. I was pretty much dressed correctly, although I was unzipped before I had to climb back to my house.
    It's misting and foggy, and at times there was drizzle in the beginning, but it's actually not bad out, since it's 52 and not 45. The sun is trying to peak out. Since my Jamis has a pannier on it, it looked like I was commuting, cause i certainly wasn't going to win any speed records. One guy passed me right before the hill on Rt. 62 heading back to Concord center, and I caught him. That was my only effort.
    Going to take a nice warm shower now.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
    Specialized Oura

    2011 Guru Praemio
    Specialized Oura
    2017 Specialized Ariel Sport

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Suburban MA and Western ME
    I had resigned myself to the dreaded rollers tonight, but DH has coerced me into a SS MTB ride outdoors instead. Once I'm out, I'm fine - it's the getting out that's hard in this weather. Thankfully, this is a well-timed rest week for me, but I can't completely slack as I have a race on Sunday (please don't rain, please don't rain).

    Worse - my parents are coming to visit this weekend. Whatever will we do if it's raining (please not the mall, please not the mall).

    "Well behaved women rarely make history." including me!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    Quote Originally Posted by SheFly View Post
    Worse - my parents are coming to visit this weekend. Whatever will we do if it's raining (please not the mall, please not the mall).

    I love going to the movies when it rains. The smell of rain and popcorn is nostalgic and soothing. That's my vote.
    '02 Eddy Merckx Fuga, Selle An Atomica
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