Hey all...thanks so much for your kind messages and those puppies gave me a great big grin, Queen thanks!
Am headed to my doc again...gotta get all of the lacerations checked/bandages changed...am only too aware of my "soft tissue injuries" today...ugh! Linda has back and rib pain, but we're both very aware and oh so grateful that we're 1) alive to talk about (and whine/there always has to be good-natured whining, right?) - then it's to the attorney...as he's not only a bike commuter, but has a custom bike himself (NOT as beautiful as my precious Seven though rest in peace, Joy (as in joy ride, that was her name)...both bikes are still with the Police dept, as evidence. The main charge is DUI, mallotpois and the driver also admitted to reaching into the back seat to play with her nephew before looking back up and seeing us in the cross walk...she jammed on her breaks, but was going so fast that she had skid marks for maybe 30 feet...it was eerie to go back there and take pics yesterday, as I was personalizing the POI marks on the crosswalk pavement!
Gotta go...am only plucking as arms, wrists hurt with these long posts...later...thanks again and please enjoy those tailwinds in my stead for a while, ok?