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  1. #31
    Kitsune06 Guest

    To disable ads, please log-in.

    Quote Originally Posted by KnottedYet
    (and I promise not to say...)
    Knotted- it's rare for me to burst into uproarious laughter at the computer with another officer here, but I laughed so hard I spat water on the keyboard! D'oh!

    ...for how cute and sweet and mild-mannered I am, I get that surprisingly often...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm the only one allowed to whine
    Honey, it's the cute and sweet and mild-mannered ones who get called that!!!!

    (kinda the definition of the phrase, y'know?)
    "If Americans want to live the American Dream, they should go to Denmark." - Richard Wilkinson

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm the only one allowed to whine
    Oh, gawd, I feel old....
    "If Americans want to live the American Dream, they should go to Denmark." - Richard Wilkinson

  4. #34
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by KnottedYet
    Oh, gawd, I feel old....
    Pfft. There is no 'old' ... just 'experienced' ... 'seasoned'... and 'crabby'

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm the only one allowed to whine
    Crabby! That's me! Woo-hooo!

    (but Trek likes my abs, so I can be content... Knot, the Crabby Croney-d*ke)

    (better behave yourself, cuz we CDs outnumber you BDs on this board by a 10 or 15 to 1 margin! Mooheheh...)
    "If Americans want to live the American Dream, they should go to Denmark." - Richard Wilkinson

  6. #36
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Ha! Behave myself?! I don't know how!!!

    I tend to like CDs, and I'm happy that I'll grow up to be one. (welllll maybe not the crabby part per se...)

    DPITA will probably see this forum and make sure I never go to Seattle!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Florida panhandle
    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsune06
    Pfft. There is no 'old' ... just 'experienced' ... 'seasoned'... and 'crabby'
    I knew there was something I liked about you.
    --BJJ, an experienced/seasoned/sometimes-crabby crone
    Bad JuJu: Team TE Bianchista
    "The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress." -Roth
    Read my blog: Works in Progress

  8. #38
    Kitsune06 Guest
    HA! Everyone likes that about me. I guess luckily for everyone, I've never gotten along well with people my age, and only now in my 20s are people of the same decade becoming tolerable. Why SHOULD kids not respect and totally dig people with more experience? I mean- they'll be there soon enough, and to be old and wise, you've got to be young and stupid first!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I just found this -- LOVE the pics!

    You're disgusting, of course, you adorable hard-a$$ cutie-pie. NOBODY should look that cute and fresh at the end of the race!

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  10. #40
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Cute and fresh? I was wiped! I put my bike aside, wobbled to the food tent, ate enough for a family of six, had one of my free beers, got home and slept for 3 hours!

    but glad you like.

    (side note: no, I didn't try to have the beer and drive home in that condition. I had a few sips, felt them go straight to my head (tired as I was) and did what any 21 year old biker would do in said situation, with full cup of beer she can't drink and a need to drive home:... I poured it into one of my water bottles and stuck it in the back of my car under my jacket so it'd be insulated, because of my 2 cardinal rules:
    1. You cannot waste alcohol.
    2. You cannot pass up a free drink. (though I had 2 beer tags...)
    3. It's doubly bad to waste free alcohol.
    It was a hefe so it didn't flavor the bottle, nor the bottle it, and it was still REALLY nice after I woke up and retrieved it from the fridge.)
    Last edited by Kitsune06; 09-02-2006 at 03:25 PM.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Well, you <i>looked</i> young, fresh and sassy -- and many of us wish we could claim the same <i>before</i> riding 100 miles!

    As for the beer -- great idea. I'll remember that one!

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  12. #42
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Geez. I wish I could look/feel that way after 100 miles, too (or before!) but I just did 40 before that pic...

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Off eating cake.

    Wink A little note from the experienced...

    When pouring your free, carbonated, alcoholic beverage into a drink bottle, make sure it's of the screw-top kind - the push-pull kind are no match for bubble power and you will wind up covered in Icebreaker.
    Last edited by DirtDiva; 09-02-2006 at 09:15 PM.
    Drink coffee and do stupid things faster with more energy.

  14. #44
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Thankyoo, Diva.

    There's nothing quite like going somewhere (anywhere?) and having something alcoholic spill/explode on you.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Portland, OR
    Kinda late to the opinion poll, but yes, total cutie indeed.



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