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  1. #16
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    Jul 2005

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    The K750i is a very nice phone!

    You'd need a Palm OS or PocketPC to use Diet & Exercise Assistant. It really isn't hard to enter into at all. Since most everything is in the database, and if it's not, it's only a matter of a few fields to fill in.

    Here are some screen shots.

    Daily Log Page
    Food Journal Page
    Selecting a Food
    Searching for a Food in the DB
    Weight Chart
    Historic Weight Chart
    Histogram Analysis
    Diet Plan Selection
    Set Weight Goals

    I use a Palm Treo 650 to enter all this into, it's pretty easy. It works for me.
    do or do not, there is no try - yoda
    note to self: repeat everyday 20 times

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pine Grove, PA
    As far as recipes go - I can't speak highly enough about the new American Heart Association cookbook! It is ~amazing~! We haven't tried a recipe yet that isn't really yummy! And no matter how weird something sounds - try it you'll be surprised! Like the meatloaf has shredded zucchini in it....how gross does that sound? But it is one of the best meatloafs I've ever had! And the chicken parm is to dye for! You put brocolli slaw in the marinara for that one!

    The recipes are really easy - and it's stuff you normally have around the house. I hate those recipes that call for things that you can only get at specialty stores. When you live in rural PA - there are no specialty stores!

    Plus it has some really good tips in it to help you with generally being healthy. I went to see a nutrionist to get help and one of the best things she taught me is to eat ~something~ every 2 hours - even if it is only a sugar free jello cup. Whether you're hungry or not! If you wait to eat until you're hungry - it's already too late. Your metabolism has slowed down and gone into conservation mode. Where as if you just pop something in your mouth on a regular basis - your metabolism keeps chugging away and doesn't slow down because it thinks you're starting to starve yourself.

    This is a link to the web site that talks about the book - http://www.americanheart.org/present...tifier=3031890

  3. #18
    Treckie is offline Live to Ride,Ride to Live
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. George, Ut. Famous for the red dirt shirt.


    I'll share what works for me which is also FREE. First of all, I use the "Nutrition Data" http://www.nutritiondata.com/index.html to track 95% of my food. The really cool thing about this site is that you can build your very own pantry with the foods that YOU eat. Even better, you can custom build your own recipes and keep them stored forever. For example, my son requested Chicken Enchillads this weekend. No problem, I went to my pantry to find the recipe which completly breaks down every nutritional fact you need to know. I really only concern myslef with Fat, Carbs, and Proteins. It will give you options what size serving your prefer. For this recipe, I like to choose the 100g (or about 3.5 oz) serving. So, it informs me (it does all the work ) that there are 4g of Fat, 6g of Carbs, and 8g of Protein per 100g. Now keep in mind that this recipe was created and imputed by me with the kind of food I like, not anyone else. You only need input the recipe once and it is saved forever to use again and again... It has everything I like to eat etc.. It took me about two weeks to custom build my pantry they way I like it, but now it's a snap. It also can track many fast food restaurants. It's very simple and easy to use. It also can track your calories for you if you prefer to do that option. I don't use it much, as I track them myself. I consulted with a diatician. Given my type of exercize, my body type etc., and the fact that I am wanting to lose weight, she has set me up on a 1800-2000 per day calorie diet (1000 Carbs Calories or 250g; 500 Protein Calories or 125g; and 500 Fat Calories or 125g). I count grams and not convert to calories. I can eat however, whatever, and whenever I want as long as I not consume more than alotted calories per day. So I budget all day long with the meals and snacks that I eat. I basically eat the same way I did before. It really coms down to portions control and Miracle Whip Free instead of the regular etc..

    A scale is a must for two reasons: 1. It's is easier & faster than using measureing cups and spoons. 2. It is so accurate! My scale (Salter 1400) can weigh multiple single items at once. So, when building a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, I set the scale to zero as I put on each individual ingrediant and it weighs it individually to the gram. Love it!! Just as fast as not using it, and I know exactly how many calories I'm consuming, I then record. I have a system that only requires mere seconds to record, so very easy and efficient.

    It didn't take long either before I started find the foods that helped me feel filled and energized. That's what is cool, is you discover what you like to eat and what fill you best. Everyone is a bit different. I eat about 7-8 times a day keeping my engine running and burning. Sounds like a lot, but most times, it's an apple and a cheese stick etc. Simple and quickie foods that I like.

    Anyway, I have used this system each time I had a baby and needed to lose it. It works!! Once I get my weight back down, I up my calories to maintain only and not lose. It does take awhile to get the hang of it, but after awhile, it becomes second nature and is just a part of life. I would recommend NOT weighting yourself much as this is like watching the Stock Market each day, it's a rollar coaster effect. You are losing fat, but also muscle which weighs more, so you will actually gain in the beginning. Instead measure with a cloth tape and only once in awile. Inches is really where it counts not lbs. I measure at the end of every 4 weeks and record. You will lose, but keep in mind it is a slow and steady loss, which is the way it should be anyway.

    Anyway, thought I would share....
    Last edited by Treckie; 11-07-2005 at 03:41 PM.

  4. #19
    Treckie is offline Live to Ride,Ride to Live
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. George, Ut. Famous for the red dirt shirt.
    One thing I forgot to mention is that those who use Nutrition Data can share pantries. In other words, when I put together a recipe for example that my sisnter-in-law would like, I just email it to her and she can import it into her own pantry and have it forever. She can edit it if she likes. If she wants to substitude sausage in place of hamburgar for example, she can do that and ND will reconfigure it.



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