As far as recipes go - I can't speak highly enough about the new American Heart Association cookbook! It is ~amazing~! We haven't tried a recipe yet that isn't really yummy! And no matter how weird something sounds - try it you'll be surprised! Like the meatloaf has shredded zucchini in gross does that sound? But it is one of the best meatloafs I've ever had! And the chicken parm is to dye for! You put brocolli slaw in the marinara for that one!
The recipes are really easy - and it's stuff you normally have around the house. I hate those recipes that call for things that you can only get at specialty stores. When you live in rural PA - there are no specialty stores!
Plus it has some really good tips in it to help you with generally being healthy. I went to see a nutrionist to get help and one of the best things she taught me is to eat ~something~ every 2 hours - even if it is only a sugar free jello cup. Whether you're hungry or not! If you wait to eat until you're hungry - it's already too late. Your metabolism has slowed down and gone into conservation mode. Where as if you just pop something in your mouth on a regular basis - your metabolism keeps chugging away and doesn't slow down because it thinks you're starting to starve yourself.
This is a link to the web site that talks about the book -