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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanderkitten View Post
    ... it's usually when you gap out your friends and then don't give them a chance to catch back on when people get upset...
    OK, that is the thing exactly. Couple recent situations where I left my ride pal... but then purposely waited for her to catch up. Here lately, she seems offended, saying "...oh, you didn't need to wait up for me...". This was where we went to the ride together at an event, but others were there etc.

    Well... if I wanted to ride totally alone, I would have went out alone.

    We both have some limitation (medically) with our cycling. One thing that makes for nice partners--the other "gets it". Mine are less in some areas that I excel--and then we catch up. I don't mind.

    Hmm... have to work on the communication some more. It's been wonderful having a ride partner. Just a few of my goals are... different.

    Thx for the input.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Troutdale, OR
    Welcome to vanderkitten. How do!!

    Most have pointed out. Spin even if you are not putting any energy into the wheel. Yes, do keep your leg spinning to keep it relaxed. Helps to flush out the lactic acid out of your legs.

    I just mozy along these days nothing too taxing and nothing too challanging


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Sierra Foothills, CA
    I'm glad I found this thread as I have never really given this issue much thought! But now I'm thinking about it and I bet I'll be thinking about it the next time I'm out riding too!

    I ride where it's very hilly. I'm not kidding...there isn't really anything flat here at all (this is a real bummer if you're looking for a recovery ride or if you just want to go out for an easy spin). I think I do what a lot of other people have posted here...I pedal if the hill isn't too steep and I still have gears left. But if it's steep and I'm going 30+ mph, then I coast. My legs appreciate the break. I just wish all the steep uphills around here had a nice fast downhill right beforehand so I could bank up some speed!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by RolliePollie View Post
    I just wish all the steep uphills around here had a nice fast downhill right beforehand so I could bank up some speed!
    Ha... wouldn't that be GREAT! Life on the bici would be like a roller-coaster... wheee. I have one road I ride regularly like that. On days when there is a tail-wind, PLUS the hill lay out... oooo, it's a blast!



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