Wow, that is high!
If I remember to drink salty drinks when I'm not running/riding, then I don't have a problem. So I'm fine with what remains of my discontinuedZenergize Hydrate or my new Skratch Labs. It's just I can't drink too much plain water to rehydrate after my workouts, or at yoga class (where I sweat like a faucet). I was curious about Osmo from the other thread ... if I find somewhere that has it I'll probably give it a try.
Preloading worked well for me before my run yesterday, actually. My last long run before tapering, and I was trying to simulate race day nutrition as much as possible, so I didn't put any electrolyte mix in my hydration bladder. Plenty before, plenty after, a little bit in my gels, a couple of Endurolytes capsules which don't have a lot of sodium, and I was/am fine.