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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    +1 on figuring out what's causing your pain by seeing a good fitter BEFORE you make your purchase. They will figure out what geometry you need and can usually suggest a selection of frames. (Working with an independent fitter rather than someone affiliated with a shop is probably best, since they won't be bound to the manufacturers they sell.)

    Your Trek may have been fit to you as well as it's going to be, but that doesn't mean the frame is even close to fitting you.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Boise Idaho
    Road Trip! NAHBS is the first weekend in March in Sacramento this year Talk about some amazing frame builders... Anyway, Oakleaf hit the nail on the head. If you are going to invest in a custom bike do some extensive homework and see if you can find a fitter. Of course, most custom builders are going to measure you extensively as well
    Dogma has a great point about elbows and shoulders but as a steel is real fan think my steel frame does just fine with road vibration. As racing is not my thing, I don't ride a skinny tire (650B)
    Sky King
    Gilles Berthoud "Bernard"
    Surly ECR "Eazi"
    Empowering the Bicycle Traveler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Beautiful NW or Left Coast
    When I decided to go custom, I went to the shop of a custom builder (Elliott Bay Bikes who builds Davidson bikes). After an hour of talking (and riding on a bike in a stand) I was most confident that these guys knew as much as most fitters and I was not disappointed. The minute I got on that new bike 4 months later, I knew I had done the right thing. GOOD LUCK!

    ps I went custom because I got tired of doing things to my bike to help with my issues that compromised the bike itself!
    I like Bikes - Mimi
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    Davidson Custom Bike - Cavaletta
    Dahon 2009 Sport - Luna
    Old Raleigh Mixte - Mitzi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Chicago suburbs
    Quote Originally Posted by Biciclista View Post
    When I decided to go custom, I went to the shop of a custom builder (Elliott Bay Bikes who builds Davidson bikes). After an hour of talking (and riding on a bike in a stand) I was most confident that these guys knew as much as most fitters and I was not disappointed. The minute I got on that new bike 4 months later, I knew I had done the right thing. GOOD LUCK!

    ps I went custom because I got tired of doing things to my bike to help with my issues that compromised the bike itself!
    +1 to THIS statement. I opted for custom (I went with Ti) this time around, because after spending a LOT of money on fittings and parts, and seeing no improvement with my pain issues...it finally dawned on me, that the 3 bikes that I have purchased in as many years, just never did fit me right...and I was tired of continuing to throw money at them in an effort to make things right.
    2012 Seven Axiom SL - Specialized Ruby SL 155

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    On my bike
    If you have cervical spine issues, you may spend a bunch of $$ on a bike only to find that you still cannot ride long distances.

    Welcome to your '50's!
    To train a dog, you must be more interesting than dirt.

    Trek Project One
    Trek FX 7.4 Hybrid

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Just be forewarned, that I am still having issues with things after my Guru fit and the custom build of my ti bike. I have lots of issues when things feel different and thus, I still don't feel right on my Guru. Some things might require a component change (cassette, bars), because I just feel I am not riding my best on this bike. Slow and shaky for the first 30 minutes and then back and knee pain. I am ready to give up. Going to raise the saddle and just try to ride the bike more. My Kuota might not be be a perfect fit, but it feels right.

    ETA: sorry for the typos at the end there. I was trying to type on my I Phone, without my reading glasses.
    Last edited by Crankin; 01-30-2012 at 11:47 AM. Reason: typos
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    perpetual traveler
    Besides the fit issues, are you doing anything to make sure that your core is strong? I had a lot of neck, shoulder and arm pain, so much so that I went to a physical therapist. I got a set of exercises which I now do religiously to strengthen my core plus address arthritis in my neck. It has made a world of a difference in my biking comfort, provided that I never let up on the exercises.
    Trek Madone 4.7 WSD
    Cannondale Quick4
    1969 Schwinn Collegiate, original owner
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    Richard Feynman: “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by OakLeaf View Post
    +1 on figuring out what's causing your pain by seeing a good fitter BEFORE you make your purchase.
    +1 again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    TE HQ, Hillsboro, OR
    I love my Sweetpea. And Natalie is great to work with. Solved all the neck and shoulder issues I had.
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