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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Great French Toast Recipe

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    But most restaurants fail to do with french toast is soak it. Yep, that's the key. And using Challah bread.

    I use either milk/hemp milk, two eggs to two pieces of Challah bread cut fairly thick, and a lot of cinammon. I mix the cinammon in the egg/milk mixture, put the bread in and keep turning it. Each time I turn it, I put cinammon on the bread. I stop putting cinammon when I flip the bread and it looks dark with the cinammon. I soak the bread until it is almost soggy. Probably a good twenty or so. Then cook her up.

    Bacchetta Ti Aero
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    White Rock, B.C.
    Sounds yummy!!! I make mine the same way and I agree...soaking the bread makes the best French Toast! I've never tried the cinnamon but will do next time. I use protein bread and add a scoop of vanilla protein powder that way I can pretend it's healthy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Chicago suburbs
    After reading this thread, I have such a taste for french toast...that I'm going to make it for dinner. Yes, that's right...I said DINNER. I can eat breakfast ANYTIME of the day. I'll make mine with my low-sodium Ezekial bread, and hubby gets his with regular whole wheat. Will also have some turkey breakfast links on the side. Yummmmm!
    2012 Seven Axiom SL - Specialized Ruby SL 155

  4. #4
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    Tucson, AZ
    I've heard eggnog as the soaking liquid makes a nice French toast. Seasonal only, though.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nscrbug View Post
    After reading this thread, I have such a taste for french toast...that I'm going to make it for dinner. Yes, that's right...I said DINNER. I can eat breakfast ANYTIME of the day. I'll make mine with my low-sodium Ezekial bread, and hubby gets his with regular whole wheat. Will also have some turkey breakfast links on the side. Yummmmm!
    You could probably invent a savory French toast for supper --maybe partially cooked sundried tomato with chopped kalamata olives and put into egg solution. Plus dip bread and pan fry it. Serve with fresh herbs.

    Serve abit of salsa sauce on side or whatever seems good.

    Made up this dish ..without even trying it in real life. I'm such a dreamer.
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    遙知馬力日久見人心 Over a long distance, you learn about the strength of your horse; over a long period of time, you get to know what’s in a person’s heart.

  6. #6
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    Panetone works really well too.
    Each day is a gift, that's why it is called the present.

  7. #7
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    Between the Blue Ridge and the Chesapeake Bay
    I've never heard of French toast NOT being soaked...isn't that the norm? In my family, it's called pan-pan du, which is Cajun for pain perdu, which is French for lost bread. We always soak stale bread in egg-milk-vanilla-cinnamon mixture, and then cook it in the skillet.

    Since I make my own bread, I often have some that goes stale before I can eat it. It goes stale in about two days. I just keep a supply of stale bread in the freezer for my pan-pan du.

    Oh, and if you add a splash of whiskey, it's really wonderful.

  8. #8
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    Oslo, Norway
    Quote Originally Posted by tulip View Post
    Oh, and if you add a splash of whiskey, it's really wonderful.
    Tulip, I love your cooking.
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  9. #9
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    I always use a splash of vanilla.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Chicago suburbs
    Well....I made french toast for dinner last night. It's been awhile since I've had it...I almost forgot how GOOD it is. I used 2 eggs, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, along with cinnamon and a splash of vanilla extract. Add to that, a side of turkey sausage links...and I was in comfort-food heaven.
    2012 Seven Axiom SL - Specialized Ruby SL 155

  11. #11
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    Washington, DC
    Quote Originally Posted by itself View Post
    But most restaurants fail to do with french toast is soak it. Yep, that's the key. And using Challah bread.

    I use either milk/hemp milk, two eggs to two pieces of Challah bread cut fairly thick, and a lot of cinammon. I mix the cinammon in the egg/milk mixture, put the bread in and keep turning it. Each time I turn it, I put cinammon on the bread. I stop putting cinammon when I flip the bread and it looks dark with the cinammon. I soak the bread until it is almost soggy. Probably a good twenty or so. Then cook her up.
    YES! this is how I make my french toast! I hate when the egg mixture isn't throughout the bread or if it is too soggy. I like to make mine a little more well done and it helps to create a crust with a lot of cinnamon.
    I'm the little T that could: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

  12. #12
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    Traveling Nomad
    Yummm! You gals are making me hungry. My mom used to make French toast a lot when we were growing up. With Wonder bread and lots of cinnamon, butter & maple syrup on top. Oh my, was that good, but not very healthy. I haven't even thought of making it in years. With my DH's whole-grain bread, it would be better for me. I gotta make some on the weekend sometime - thanks for the inspiration!

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by emily_in_nc View Post
    Yummm! You gals are making me hungry. My mom used to make French toast a lot when we were growing up. With Wonder bread and lots of cinnamon, butter & maple syrup on top. Oh my, was that good, but not very healthy. I haven't even thought of making it in years. With my DH's whole-grain bread, it would be better for me. I gotta make some on the weekend sometime - thanks for the inspiration!
    Ha! My mom used to make it for us with wonder bread too and I hated it! It wasn't until I tried it on my own with a more substantial bread that I learned to like french toast. Same thing with PB&J, actually. Turns out, I just hated wonder bread.

    Tulip's version sounds awesome. Again, I'm wanting to have her cook for me! Yum!!
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  14. #14
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    Between the Blue Ridge and the Chesapeake Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by GLC1968 View Post
    Ha! My mom used to make it for us with wonder bread too and I hated it! It wasn't until I tried it on my own with a more substantial bread that I learned to like french toast. Same thing with PB&J, actually. Turns out, I just hated wonder bread.

    Tulip's version sounds awesome. Again, I'm wanting to have her cook for me! Yum!!
    My mother never let us eat WonderBread. Being a hippie mom, she always made her own whole wheat bread, and I hated it! Now look at me, though...baking my own bread and eating brown rice and kale, the whole works. Just like Mom taught me. It just took a while to sink in.

    GLC, I'd love to come to your place, work in your garden, and cook up a storm! One of these days I might show up at your door, with a bottle of bourbon for the French toast, of course.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hmm, we made our baked french toast (much lower fat than fried) with challah last week and neither of us liked it. Too tender and too rich. Just kind of turned into mush.

    Now, boule and striata or any kind of toothy bread, yum. Thick cut cinnamon raisin bread is good too.

    And when you bake french toast you can add yummy sinful toppings (like pecan caramel) or stuff the toast with lemon curd and ricotta.
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