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Thread: Momentary Panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere in the middle of Canada

    Momentary Panic

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    This was me last week! I walked PAST my bike, out of my office, to the bike rack, had a momentary heart attack, regained consciousness, then sheepishly returned to my office to get my bike
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    Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.

    ~Albert Einstein

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Oh I've totally done that! Love those brain mush days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Katy, Texas

    momentary panics

    I what brain I have left is best described as "swiss cheese for brains" as in it's full of holes. I am constantly doing that with the car because my husband and I frequently switch cars, but not on any regular schedule. My two biggest obstacles most mornings is to come out of the gym and remember a) which car am I driving today? and B) where might I have parked it?

    Sigh...of all the things I've lost I miss my brain the most.

    Katy, Texas
    Trek Madone 6.5- "Red"
    Trek Pilot 5.2- " Bebe"

    "easily outrun by a chihuahua."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    This reminds me of last winter. I had gone to the movies for an early matinee so it was still light when I came out. It is important to know that there had been a lot of snow and so forth in the weeks prior to this trip to the movie.

    My cobalt/electric blue 2008 Lancer is quite distinctive, for some reason there are not many around Indianapolis - and the color is quite striking. So here I am in the parking lot and I can't find my car I look, and look again, there aren't even THAT many cars in the lot!

    I start to panic when it finally dawns on my that I am actually standing right in front of my car...the problem was that it was no longer any shade of blue (cobalt or otherwise) but a uniform gray from all of the sand/salt/weather....

    After I stilled my racing heart I took it directly to the car wash

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oslo, Norway

    I'm forever "losing" our car in parking lots, because it's the most bland, non-descript car you can imagine, an old, dusty dark blue Toyota Carina. But it has true class - looks like yesterdays bread, but works like clockwork.

    Catrin, your story reminded me of a cat I grew up with, I've probably told it before. Bailey was a large, orange male cat, jumpy and full of neuroses but a kindly soul. One day he disappeared, but a large, grey male cat came wandering in, very much at home. We figured this grey stranger must have chased poor Bailey away, so we promptly shooed and yelled the brazen interloper out. He kept coming back, though, so we shooed and yelled some more. It wasn't until I actually touched the cat... and got ashes on my hand... that I remembered that we'd had a bonfire outside and there was a large pile of ash left over... Poor Bailey didn't get any less neurotic after this.
    Winter riding is much less about badassery and much more about bundle-uppery. - malkin

    1995 Kona Cinder Cone commuterFrankenbike/Selle Italia SLR Lady Gel Flow
    2008 white Nakamura Summit Custom mtb/Terry Falcon X
    2000 Schwinn Fastback Comp road bike/Specialized Jett

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I fly a lot and try to always park in the same place in the parking lot. Well, I took the bike rack off once to wash it, parked the car in some random spot at the airport, and...lost the car. I drive a gray civic so it is not distinctive at all. Fortunately at our airport you can call the airport cops if you've lost your vehicle and they can (very creepy here) tell you where it is based on the license plate and the airline you flew in on. I was pretty relieved after an hour and a half of wandering around that I could just call up and find it, but that kind of surveillance is disturbing!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I took the trolley home from work one day, got off the trolley and looked at the street in front of my apartment, didn't see my car and thought - who the heck stole my beat up old car?

    Then I remembered, I drove to work that day. So my car spent the night in the parking lot at my lab.

    In college once I borrowed a friends car to go to the mall quickly. Her dad was a mechanic, she always had some car or other, while 99% of us had no car. It wasn't until I was done and coming out of hte mall that I realized I never paid attention to what the heck kind of car it was. I knew the inside looked a lot like the car my father used to have. So I knew it was a dodge or plymouth. And the interior was blue. That was all I had to go on. Pre-cell phone and pre-alarm key ring, of course. I figured if I waited long enough, the mall would close and everyone would go home and there would be one car left in the lot.
    Last edited by Possegal; 10-05-2010 at 09:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Tucson, AZ
    "My" car is a Honda Accord, in that sort of metallic sand color. Yep, about as nondescript as you can get. I try to park away from buildings both for the ease of parking and the fact that my car is likely to be the only one there!
    My parents have a slightly newer version of the same car, in a slightly different color. Going out with them is fun: I can't find the car! Do you remember where we parked? That's not our car! Oh. I was looking for the other one.

    My mom is a champion of forgetting where she parked. She once went up to an identical car with people in it and tried to unlock the door. I look at the stickers. (We've got a collection of window clings on both cars...)
    At least I don't leave slime trails.

    2009 Giant Avail 3 |Specialized Jett 143

    2013 Charge Filter Apex| Specialized Jett 143
    1996(?) Giant Iguana 630|Specialized Riva

    Saving for the next one...



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