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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Bike hit while on rack

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    Ugh! What a start to Saturday's ride! The week before I'd noticed a ding on the trunk of the car, and figured the bike had hit while being removed.

    Saturday, after pumping up the tires (Joe Blow stand pump with pressure guage, very easy to use), hubby noticed the brake pads hitting the rear wheel, then the chain knocked off the gears, then the c-shaped rear wheel, the scratches on the front fork. Someone had hit the bike hard enough to bend the back wheel and knock the front fork into the car, scraping paint off car and fork. No note.

    My husband got out his spoke wrench (don't tell me men aren't into accessories as much as women) and, by selectively tightening spokes, re-trued the wheel. I was very impressed.

    I'll get a new wheel before the winter comes, but I *DID* go for my ride. Inspired by the "move to the Netherlands" thread, I biked to the weekly farmer's market (one mile! one hill!) and got lots of lovely veggies. This was only my fourth ride this summer; I couldn't miss it. The good news is that there may be fitness improvements: staying out of the granny gear longer, getting back into a higher gear sooner. I'll be back there tomorrow. And the bike has been safe in the house, so no more repairs!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Good for you for riding!! and Bravo to the hubby for the wheel fix!
    Boy, do I ever wish we had a farmer's market around here. You are soooooo lucky! And so close, too.
    I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida
    What a nightmare! I'm so glad your bike is ok. I always worry about that, but more when I'm driving than when I'm parked...




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