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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    My "big" trip was a success

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    Yesterday I completed 22 miles on the Harlem Valley Rail Trail. The challenge was not just the trail, which is level and easy, but getting my bike on and off the subway and commuter trains (LOTS of stairs).

    The trip started with a good omen: after hauling my bike downstairs to the subway, I realized I'd brought too much stuff and really questioned whether I could make it up the stairs to get out. A miracle happened when I ran into someone I know on the same subway car and she carried my backpack up while I hoisted the bike. In 20+ years, this is only the second time I've run into someone I know on the subway.

    The weather was beautiful and I had a great ride. Now I have to work on making my load lighter or getting stronger. There's nowhere to buy food or water for the first eleven miles of the trail, and with the long train ride, the total trip is 12 hours. I have to either 1) get really strong, or 2) buy food and water after I get to Grand Central Station (pricey). Since I'm a tightwad, I will probably work on the "strong" part. I weighed everything last night, and if I can carry 40 pounds up three flights, I will be okay.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Good for you! It was meant to be!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Beautiful NW or Left Coast
    Sounds like a great ride, but what all were you carrying?
    I like Bikes - Mimi
    Watercolor Blog

    Davidson Custom Bike - Cavaletta
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    Old Raleigh Mixte - Mitzi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I had one liter plus bike bottle of water, Kryptonite lock, lunch & snacks, camera, first aid kit (tiny) and camera (tiny). Also small kit to repair flat and small pump.

    The water & Kryptonite U-lock together weigh over 6 pounds, so that's where I'm going to cut back.




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