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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    I climbed my hill!

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    Ok, so I live in Roanoke, Va and there are few places to ride that are flat. I learned how to ride on hills and bigger hills. I have never (yet) had to walk my bike up a hill, but I have always been in the lowest gears to get to the top. Since I work during the week, I ride around work which is hilly, but not extreme. Today, I was in town and decided to take my old route along a great greenway. To get home, I have to climb this bi#@h of a hill, long, steep, very hard. To make this hill even worse is that I have to climb a smaller hill which flattens for about 20 feet and then begins the big climb. So, you can't really use momentum (as I do with work hills) to get up this hill. I did it in my middle chainring AND I sprinted half way up! I should mention that I ride my DH's used, old Redline mountain bike (which I adore). Anyway, I was smiling the rest of the way home (which is pretty much uphill but at a gentle grade) to meet ym DH and son in the front yard clapping. They are such kooks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Seminole, FL

    Smile Congratulations on your hill climb!

    I know very well the hills in your area - I grew up in Lynchburg, Va. and have spent lots of time in Roanoke too. Great work! I wish I had some of those hills here in Florida - DH and I have to train on bridges since Florida is so flat. I would take a natural hill any day over a manmade one! Isn’t it a good feeling when you conquer a hill? My biggest “hill” to date was a huge bridge over Lake Seminole in Pinellas County. I thought my lungs would burst before I got to the top, but get up there I did and DH took a pic of me and my trusty hybrid at the top. That is an AWESOME feeling to do something like that under your own steam, isn’t it? Congrats on your accomplishment and send some of that beautiful fall weather to us in Florida - we are still sweating it out in the 90s here!
    “No Bird Soars Too High If He Soars With His Own Wings” ~ William Blake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    S. Lake Tahoe CA and Marion Mass
    Yah! I know that feeling well. There is an infamous hill in our area that my friends tell me only a small percentage of riders are able to make (mtn biking). It took me a long time, but I tell you what, there was a round of drinks for everyone post dinner when I made that one! Yeehaw! Congrats again!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Yay for you!

    When I first started riding again this past spring, I dreaded any hill, even the most mild incline. Now I find myself enjoying the challenge of a hill, like I used to way back when. I'm still using my granny gears, and wheezing and huffing at the top, but they don't inspire terror in me anymore.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Mississauga -a "burb" outside Toronto
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistie View Post
    to meet ym DH and son in the front yard clapping. They are such kooks.
    Ahhh! To have a cheering section after successful hill climbing. You are blessed! Nice work.

    "You can't get what you want till you know what you want." Joe Jackson

    2006 Cannondale Feminine/Ultegra/Jett

    2012 Trek Speed Concept 9.5/Ultegra/saddle TBD

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Between the Blue Ridge and the Chesapeake Bay
    I was in your neck of the woods last week (Pulaski) for work and brought my bike for a quick ride after my site visit and meetings. Hilly! You're doing great!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    That's great! Right now I'm challenged by any hills at all, so your good news is very inspiring. Congratulations on your success (and keep posting; I need role models).




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