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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Planning for short trip

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    I will do a 16 - 20 mile bike trip by myself this weekend or next (Harlem Valley Rail Trail for those of you who know it).

    Is there anything I should take for the bike other than extra tube and repair kit? I know how to fix a flat and the bike was checked recently and seems fine.

    I've done the trail on my Xootr and it's easy; I have rain gear, etc. I just don't want to overlook anything obvious with the bike.

    I'm so excited about my trip. I went to Grand Central and got my ticket and bike pass for the train in advance (totally not necessary). I feel like a little kid going to one of those Disney things.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Between the Blue Ridge and the Chesapeake Bay
    water or another drink of your choice (but probably not alcohol!). I always bring a powerbar or snack with me, too. And a cell phone. And your pump, of course.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Beautiful NW or Left Coast
    take a little money with you too?
    I like Bikes - Mimi
    Watercolor Blog

    Davidson Custom Bike - Cavaletta
    Dahon 2009 Sport - Luna
    Old Raleigh Mixte - Mitzi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Oh yeah, I'm going well supplied with stuff. The first time I did this trip I assumed the train station would be in a town (most of them are) but this one isn't. Not even a vending machine! Luckily I had enough water.

    Mostly I wondered what unexpected needs the bike might have. I am prepared for a flat tire, but don't (yet) know how to fix anything else.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Seminole, FL


    Hopefully everything will go smoothly for your adventure - sounds like fun!! Besides what has already been mentioned I would consider getting one of those multi-bike tools for your pack. When we were riding last weekend, one of my brake pads started an awful screeching sound whenever I would apply the brake, so DH pulled out his allen wrench on the tool set and removed the brake pad - it had picked up a small piece of metal and he was able to remove it. He has used it numerous times to adjust our bike lights, brakes, cables, etc. Very handy item. We also carry a small bottle of chain lubricant. And a small first aid kit - hope you NEVER have to use that, but I actually made fun of DH when he insisted I put one in my bike kit and sure enough, I had a fall the following weekend and got road rash on my elbow - the first aid kit has Neosporin, a number of bandaids and some Benedryl cream (for bug bites). We used one of those tiny little digital camera zip up cases for the first aid kit - very lightweight. Have fun and I wish I was riding with you! Have you started a cycling diary/journal yet? I like to put a brief description of each ride and what I saw along the way and it is also a good way to keep track of mileage, etc. We also pack a small digital camera too. We brake for wildlife/scenery! Enjoy!!
    “No Bird Soars Too High If He Soars With His Own Wings” ~ William Blake



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