Very long ride......
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Hi! I've been reading these forums for a bit now. There's always tons of good advice. So I thought I would ask for some.......
Has anyone done any ultra long distance rides? I am planning on doing a 24 hour, 326 mile ride at the end of June. I have been training and training and then training more. Seems like I spend most of my time at work or on a bike! Doesn't do a lot for the home life.
What I am wondering is: How do you convince yourself mentally that you are capable of doing such a long ride? I've done back to back centuries. Will do three in a row Memorial Day weekend. And in a couple weeks, will do about 170 in a day. But I still can't get my mind around the idea of 326 miles without much rest. Has anyone done something similar? Any ideas for me? Thanks in advance!
Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived." Captain Jean Luc Picard