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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia

    Summer's here..almost

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    Oh dear,

    The past couple of days have been hot & humid. Well, ok my idea of hot...and it was only around 25-31c...and only to get hotter.

    Would love to know your suggestions about commuting in the heat.

    I have two full water bottles with me & not only drink but pour alot on my legs..in error & on purpose. My commute is 30km's so i think that's enough water..

    Do you wear a headband type item under your helmet? Any thoughts on if vaseline on your forehead is better?

    ATM I wear http://www.groundeffect.co.nz/produc...N&category=ACC but even find it a bit too hot under my helmet.

    I have a small backpack/hydration pack and am wondering if the heat from this will just make me more miserable during the summer.

    Bike shorts..and jerseys...I think i'm going to spend a bit of time wandering TE today..(BTW is nashbar like TE??? Who are nashbar??? I checked out thier site this morning.)

    When looking for a summer bike jersey, what exactly should i be looking for??
    '(can't wait to wear my amici veloci jersey...)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    San Francisco, CA
    Nashbar is owned by Performance -- the WalMarts of the bike biz. I highly recommend you patronize your local bike shop instead of Nashbar or Performance. They're quickly putting lots of LBSs out of business in our neck of the woods -- the little guys just can't compete.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Southwest Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycanuck View Post
    Oh dear,

    The past couple of days have been hot & humid. Well, ok my idea of hot...and it was only around 25-31c...and only to get hotter.

    Would love to know your suggestions about commuting in the heat.

    I have two full water bottles with me & not only drink but pour alot on my legs..in error & on purpose. My commute is 30km's so i think that's enough water..

    Do you wear a headband type item under your helmet? Any thoughts on if vaseline on your forehead is better?

    I have a small backpack/hydration pack and am wondering if the heat from this will just make me more miserable during the summer.

    Bike shorts..and jerseys...I think i'm going to spend a bit of time wandering TE today..(BTW is nashbar like TE??? Who are nashbar??? I checked out thier site this morning.)

    When looking for a summer bike jersey, what exactly should i be looking for??
    '(can't wait to wear my amici veloci jersey...)

    Hey, CC,

    I wear a Headsweats under my helmet during the warmer months. It is a lightweight skullcap, but has a wicking material that keeps sweat out of the eyes. They look similiar to this: http://www.teamestrogen.com/products.asp?pID=13841.

    I too, commute with a backpack that has a hydration bladder in it. I love it. Some don't like the sweat on their backs that the pack tends to generate, but I figure I am going to sweat anyway! Plus I like having the extra water with me.

    Bike shorts, I just use the usual Pearl Isumi that I usually ride in. I am most comfortable in them anyway. The only thing I can suggest is to watch for sweat generated chaffing and apply chamois cream if needed.

    Jersey, well, for commuting I tend to go for lightweight wicking shirts instead of a jersey. Although, during the week's laundry rotation a jersey will find its' way on my back. Any of the summer shortsleeved jerseys should work well for you, or even a sleeveless. I am sun-sensitive, so I go for the short sleeved. Oh, and the Amici Veloci does work well!

    Good luck with your summer commuting! It is a load of fun.
    Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

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    2009 Masi/Terry Damselfly
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