I've been logging all my workouts for YEARS over at runningahead.com (even though I haven't ran in years!). But, I don't have a functioning computer at home, and the mobile site is a pain to use. I'm looking for an app-based alternative.

I do use Strava for my road rides, but not my commute. I know you can manually enter activities and mark them as private, but basic Strava doesn't display weekly and monthly activity the way I would like. I'm looking for an app that is calendar-based, since my motivator is seeing how many days of the week I've been active. I also want one that allows simple reports to be run, similar to runningahead, such as weekly miles biked over the past 3 years (for example). AND ideally one that allows import of other training logs (might be asking too much here). I primarily log cycling since I keep a handwritten weightlifting journal, but it might be nice to be able to just note the days I lifted or took a long walk or whatever to help me see how many days per week I was active.

What do you all use to log workouts?