I've been nominated to the board for the Na Wahine Festival here on Oahu. It's a women's only festival with many short events. Sprint Tri, Super Sprint Tri, Spash-n-dash, Swim-n-spin, etc. Open water ocean swim in 82 degree water, flat 5k run and 12 mile bike around Diamond Head. All starting right in Waikiki.

Would you travel to something like this?

If you wanted to, where would you begin your search for the event? I'm trying to figure out where to advertise on the mainland and where people would look. (Event was last weekend so we have plenty of time for planning)

Personally, I doubt I would travel to a triathlon smaller than a half ironman. But if I happened to be vacationing at a place and saw that there was a sprint tri or a splash and dash event, I'd look into it. However, if I don't have all my bike gear with me, I'm not sure I'd want to rent a bike, helmet, shoes (?) the whole deal. Would be pretty costly for such a short race.

So they have the splash and dash. Which I'd only do if I didn't need a wet suit. And you sure as heck don't here in Hawaii. And yeah, I usually travel with my goggles/swim and running stuff. :roll eyes:


Any input would be greatly appreciated.
