I know there are some of you on these boards that live in the midwest......... Have you been riding in miserable, windy conditions lately? It is ALWAYS windy during the spring here in Iowa. Usually, I just convince myself that it's good training. If you wait for a day with little wind, you won't be riding much. Just spin and keep going. All sorts of things I say to encourage myself when I'm out there battling the gale.

Today, tho', was a real kicker. I started out in weak sunshine, but at least it was there. Temps in the high 50's. Winds at about 20-25 mph. Got about to the halfway point of my loop when it all went to he**. I'd been heading mostly into the wind to get it over with. Turned and had a crosswind and then it picked up speed. (The wind, not me!) It was difficult to stay on the road. The temp started dropping. The sky was getting darker. I was fighting with the wind to keep the bike going straight, especially when trucks went by. It was a bit scary.......... I could just see me getting sucked into their wake. My imagination is worst than reality, I guess. Having no other option, plus being determined and stubborn, I kept going.. Did my ride. By the time I got home, it was only 46 degrees out, the wind was gusting up to 35 mph. My last 8 miles were tailwind. Awesome! I think I'd earned it after the previous 36 miles. It was good to get home. And I am glad I got out there. :::::::::::::::sticking toungue out at wind:::::::::::::: nah, nah, nah

Now I got all that complaining off my chest. I just wondered how others were faring out there and what you do on these very windy days.
