Quote Originally Posted by BleeckerSt_Girl View Post
I get notifications when there is a new post in this thread. Such interesting memories!
I'm doing fine. I'm now 70 (!) and still have my custom Luna bike which i have not been riding, and also have my blue Rivendell Rambouillet, which i am preparing to sell. :-( ...that makes me sad but I just can't justify continuing to keep two expensive bikes 'just in case' I start riding again.
Two years ago I buckled down and managed to lose 50 lbs that had slowly crept up over the years, now i am a healthy BMI (still gotta watch what i eat). I'm doing fitness walks, gardening, also contra dancing regularly, which is quite a workout (typically a dance is 2.5 hrs and 16K steps).
Hi Kit, I hope you are doing well.
Dear all,

Still riding though not as much at 68. A while back before the cataract surgery we got a recumbent tandem which we do enjoy. Knott and I are in the sunny PNW near bike paths. We don’t take it out on the road but frequent the trails.

I switched my martial arts training from Aikido which I did since about 1980 to Yang Family Style Tai Chi in 2018. I miss Aikido but I no longer thought I could keep up with the break falls. There are those who do Aikido into their 80’s and beyond. I love that about the art. And now that there is finally a good school near us entertain the idea of going back a bit. But in some ways the art itself needs to get more vigorous. I’m enjoying what I do.

Knott was diagnosed w stage four cancer in 2018. Thank you doctors, nurses, techs, surgeons she survived and is doing well. A bit after she was declared NED (No Evidence of Disease) she retired and that brings us up to date.
