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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Floyd Landis - two articles

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    Landis Rekindles Attack on Doping Accusations

    Floyd Landis set out on a vigorous public relations campaign yesterday to declare that he did not use performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France.

    Landis, the 30-year-old who last month became the third American to win the Tour, spoke to about a dozen television stations and newspapers in hopes of repairing his reputation after being accused of cheating.

    “I’m having some bad days now, but I now have a new goal, and it’s to prove myself innocent and to figure out exactly what’s going on behind the scenes here,” he said on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” during an interview in which he appeared with his wife, Amber. He denied ever using performance-enhancing drugs.

    Landis provided a urine sample after Stage 17 of the Tour, the day he catapulted himself from 11th place back into contention for the overall victory. That sample was divided into A and B samples. On July 27, the A sample came back positive for a high ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone, and also for synthetic testosterone. On Saturday, the International Cycling Union announced that the B sample confirmed the initial results.

    Landis’s pleas of innocence have not protected him from the consequences of his test results. The Tour director, Christian Prudhomme, said Saturday that Landis was no longer considered champion of the event.

    Leno Grills Landis on Flunked Drug Test

    Filed at 9:58 a.m. ET

    BURBANK, Calif. (AP) -- By the time he taped his makeup appearance on the ''Tonight Show,'' Floyd Landis still had one theory left to float for his failed drug test.

    Was it something he ate?

    ''Now there's also the possibility, and it's an argument that has been used by other people,'' Landis told host Jay Leno on Tuesday. ''At this point, I don't know if it's somehow or some way I ingested something that caused the tests to be that way.''

    Leno didn't go easy on Landis, who canceled what was supposed to be a triumphant post-Tour de France appearance late last month because he was still in Europe following the news that he had tested positive for a high testosterone ratio during the race.

    ''I see you on these shows,'' Leno said, ''and I do want to believe you and evidence seems -- I don't know if it's overwhelming -- but it seems pretty conclusive, right?''

    Landis said yes, if one goes by the tests, and Leno shot back, ''Why should we not go by the tests? Tell me why.''

    Landis responded that there were several possibilities, saying, ''The tests and the people doing the tests would like you to believe that the only possibility is that I essentially took some drugs and that's why the test is that way.''
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Mimitabby, I think you and I are the Floyd die-hards. I just had an overnight guest - an old friend who's a scientist AND a Mennonite AND knows someone who knew Floyd as a young man. She thinks he rides clean, too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    we;re not alone, latelate.
    My husband is in our camp as well.
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Md suburbs of Wash. DC
    Don't worry, latelate and mimi, I'm a Floyd die-hard, too, until I see proof to think otherwise. I won't say that I believe he's clean, because I don't know that. I won't say I think he's a cheat, because I don't know that either. But I rooted for Floyd all the way through the Tour and will continue to admire what I know of him while we all wait for this situation to be settled.

    This is what kills me, though-- velonews.com: UCI won't give Ullrich's blood to Spanish police.

    "The blood of the riders in our possession from doping controls is used for research purposes," UCI president Pat McQuaid said. "To give it for DNA comparisons is against our rules."
    They sure threw that rulebook out the window when Floyd's "A" sample came back. The fact that the UCI pick and choose when to follow their own rules makes them a huge part of the entire doping problem and causes me to seriously doubt their integrity.

    The teeny-tiny vindictive part of me that I try my darndest to hide from the world hopes that Floyd comes up with incontrovertible proof of his innocence and an explanation for the test results, and makes Pat McQuaid and the UCI publicly admit that they're fools. But my rational side thinks I shouldn't admit to that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Mississippi Delta
    I think Phloyd rocks . . . .I still think he's been framed- unfortunately he's not a as cool, yet agressive with the media dawgs.

    I tried to post on his web site--- send supportive comments--- but his site had been locked.

    American Cyclists:
    If at first you don't beat them, and after 20 years you're still not beating them, then mess with the regulations on their time trial bikes, tamper with their blood and urine samples, leak anonymous results to the New York Times, and declare them guilty of drug use before they have a chance to respond.
    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Middle Earth

    Floyd still rocks

    Just adding my two cents in favour of Floyd

    He hasn't been proven guilty - he has just been put in the insidious position of having to prove his innocence.

    I wait with the other believers and hope he (and the lawyers and reliable scientists) come through for him.

    I have trained several times on my spin bike to the now infamous stage which we DVD-d... its an awesome and inspiring ride

    And even if it emerges that he did use testosterone in his training - it is still an awesome and inspiring ride - because to ride that hard for so long in that kind of stage takes alot of mind muscle... if you aren't thinking right, no ammount of testosterone will keep you focused and paced.

    Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
    "I will try again tomorrow".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Southern California

    From the Orange County Register

    Here's a piece from David Whiting, a columnist for the OC Register:


    I'm writing a letter to this ignorant a** regarding his slanderous statements about FL.

    He can be reached at: 714-796-6869 or dwhiting@ocregister.com
    Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world. ~ Grant Petersen

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I've put a lot of thought into this situation w/ Floyd and I've come to my own conclusion that he was framed as well. His record is clean and they've marred him for this 1 infraction on stage 17. Come on. I do think he needs to take the media stance that Lance does and fight very hard to clear his name. Even Lance said sue if you have to. I think it's too early for the tour organizers to strip him his title. I smell a rotting fish on this one. Just my thoughts. Just think, he won the Tour de California and Ga and that spring race clean. Now why would he jeopardise the tour?? Humm!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mimitabby
    As Floyd pointed out in one of the articles; how could he come up clean
    in 6 tests previous and some afterwards if he was "Doping" with testosterone?
    I've taken testosterone myself and it stays in your system for MORE than 24 hours.
    It just doesn't make sense to me.

    another who is still in the floyd camp.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    New Holland, PA
    If I won the Tour de France, I'd have high testosterone levels, too. The sheer manliness of my effort would send them through the roof.

    Seriously, though, just how high were his testosterone levels? I never heard. Did they rule out the medicine he was taking for his hip?

    All of the technical stuff aside, why would anyone in their right mind use PEDs for a competition of that magnitude and publicity? That would be insane!

    I really hope he can prove his innocence. We were so excited when he won, because he's as local as it gets--not to mention the hip situation. That was amazing.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    how are the locals treating his family now? are things okay over there?
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bayside, New York
    His testosteron was normal, its the Epistost,....whatever you name it was High, that's what said nobody mentioned in any of the articles. That's what pissing me off, is that they don't even know the facts but they start writing these stupid articles about him like they are science doctors ( I am talking about reporters).

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    where the wind comes sweeping down the plain
    I'm still on Floyd's side. I just can't believe that this guy would jeapordize his ride in the TDF and his career for one day- a day when he KNEW they would test him if he won. I personally think they have somehow fudged the tests to their favor. Until I'm proven otherwise- it's innocent until proven guilty- not the other way around. I don't think those tests have proven anything.

    GO FLOYD!!!
    Check out my running blog: www.turtlepacing.blogspot.com

    Cervelo P2C (tri bike)
    Bianchi Eros (commuter/touring road bike)

    1983 Motobecane mixte (commuter/errand bike)
    Cannondale F5 mountain bike

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Definitely a Floyd supporter (and Lancaster native). Though it's getting really depressing to read the press on him of late (as I do several times a day-- I have to chill out). I really wish he hadn't gone on the weird media blitz he did because throwing out so many theories made him look silly. I wish he's just said, "I didn't do it, I don't understand it, we're going to figure it out." I hate watching the press bash him for the cortisone/Jack Daniels/thyroid/tampering theories.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milwaukee, WI

    I support Floyd!

    I am also on the Floyd wagon and will support him until the day he proves to everyone he is innocent. The other fishy item that I haven't seen on this thread yet is that the Tour organizers are "legally" bound to not leak any information regarding blood tests until re-tested and fully investigated.

    Within minutes of the 1st blood test, it was all over the media. There were stories, reports, questioning, etc. already occuring before the 2nd blood test came back so it makes me even more think that something fishy is going on.

    Roshelle from Milwaukee



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