Great article! Thanks, Bike Writer!
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It would be safe to say that all of us on these boards believe that cycling contributes to making us happy. Here's an article that supports that and puts science behind the theory. Link to why cycling makes us happier.
Bike Writer
Schwinn Gateway unknown year
Specalized Expedition Sport Low-Entry 2011
Great article! Thanks, Bike Writer!
Scurrying off to share with my Facebook friends...
2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
Bike Writer
Schwinn Gateway unknown year
Specalized Expedition Sport Low-Entry 2011