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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Ideas for swim workouts?

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    I need some ideas...

    My pool has a lap swimming club that meets on Saturday mornings. Their coachs writes out a ~2000 yard workout on a dry erase board each Saturday and then leaves it on the pool deck until the following Saturday. This is great for people like me who can't be there on Saturdays, but still enjoy some structure to their swims.

    Now that it's warm, the club and their dry erase board have moved to the outdoor pool for the summer, which is too far from my house to justify the drive. I miss my weekly workout!

    Any suggestions for workouts or sources thereof? I'm not really training for anything...just looking to have someone tell me how far and how fast to swim, kick, and pull. I'm definitely not creative or organized enough to plan my own workouts.

    Many thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Arlington, VA
    Janet Evan's book "Total Swimming" (I think that's the title) includes a lot of different workouts.

    I found it a great resource for technique, too.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Just requested it from the library. Thanks for the idea!



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