Originally Posted by
Susan Otcenas
Will you have support for this ride? Or are you carrying the things you listed on your bike or body? If so, I'd nix the apples for sure. For their weight, bulk, lack of caloric density and difficulty eating wile moving, they just aren't worth it. Nuts: I personally love nuts once I get sick of sweet gels, etc., but nuts really are not a good source of energy on a bike ride. Yes, they are calorically dense, but they are not easily digestible (and therefore it will take quite some time for the calories to be converted to the sugars you need to burn). Bring them along only if you are riding at a more casual pace and/or plan to much on them while riding. Because once you are hungry, it will take a long time for nuts to satiate you. Bananas are great, but remember that they bruise easily and again, take up a fair amount of space given the calories they provide.
I agree with just about all of this. Especially if you are riding at a casual pace and have time to actually STOP to eat, there's no reason you can't get everything you need from real food. My personal favorites include peanut butter and banana on Dave's Killer Bread (complex carbs, simple carbs, fat, protein, salt and easily packable without spoilage). I also quite like hummus or smoked turkey breast on tortillas. I roll them up and wrap in a little sleeve of Saran. These I generally eat in the first few hours, as they can spoil more quickly than the PBB sandwiches. They are also easy to eat while riding, unlike the sandwich which is something I generally only eat when stopped.
I do, however, use both gels and nutrition in my bottles, depending on the type of ride, the length, how much off-bike time (or not) I expect to have, and whether or not its cold or dark. In cold or darkness, I make much heavier use of calories in my bottle and gels, as I find it easier to manipulate these things while riding. I can't easily eat with gloves on, and I find it challenging to eat in the dark, so I don't get enough calories if I don't supplement this way.
Regarding gels: They are only 100 calories, so don't expect them to give you energy for more than 20-30 minutes. I'm OK with that, especially when I know I have a tough or hilly section coming up. But they are definitely not what I want to eat all day!
Oh, and Payday Bars are a food of the Gods! Love those things! I have also discovered that at oh-dark-thirty when your stomach is queasy and you think nothing will appeal, it's interesting to wander into a convenience store and see what strikes you. I discovered that cold Pop Tarts straight out of the box were mysteriously good....