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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia

    Attention Kiwis & Aussies-The fun starts Sept 7th..

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    Are you ready? Are ye?

    I'm not looking forward to staying up halfway through the night to watch the games but then again it could be kind of fun...Also, since the French have the control over coverage of all the games, who know which ones they'll let us see??? I'm a bit confused about the coverage...

    No question in our house who we're barracking for of course...GO THE ALL BLACKS...and The Canucks!!!!

    I'm interested in seeing the match betwn Wales & Canada on the 9th of Sept as it could be a close game.

    It looks like the first BIG match is on the 14th of Sept btwn England and The Springbok..

    If you need the fixtures or any other info..http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/home/fi.../calendar.html


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Christchurch, NZ
    Yep I'm looking forward to it. All 48 games are live on tv (free to air even) here. I'll have to ration myself a bit in the pool stages though so I don't lose too much sleep.

    Before things really heat up at the RWC there will be the NRL playoffs of course (go Warriors!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Middle Earth
    Heck yes!

    I'm too sleepy still to say much more, but we all (partner, sons and me) are looking forward to the games.

    Yeah CC, it will be interesting to see how the French choose to cover these games - and will they have good angles on the games they do cover...

    Kiwi, I'm not a league fan, so I'll leave you to shout for me as well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    Hey kids,

    So, what do you think so far? Did you watch the NZ-Italy match??

    I'm off to bed..I watched a bit of the Aus-Japan game but started to fall asleep...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Aberystwyth, Wales
    Even I've been getting sucked into watching some of the games! Watched France - Argentina last night with a bunch of friends in the pub. Luckily I don't have to stay up silly hours to watch it here. Good fun despite my very rudimentary knowledge of the game. Apparently the next game people are looking forward to is Portugal playing the All Blacks. they are expecting the white flag to be passed out from the locker rooms at half time....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    GO THE WALLABIES!!!! (although what's with the PEC decal on our jerseys??? Are they trying to show off their man-boobs or what?)

    Although it wasn't really fair that Japan had to verse us in the first round... Poor Japan! Hope the do well in the rest of the pool.

    England also got up over the USA last night!

    Beginner Triathlete Log

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Off eating cake.
    Take that, Italy! Ok, I'm a bad Kiwi, I didn't stay up to watch. I'm sure I will for the semis, etc. though.
    Drink coffee and do stupid things faster with more energy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    Went and watched the game at a pub with some other mad kiwi supporters... Very lively bunch..

    Hmmm..apparently grizzly adams plays for the Italians.. check out player wearing the #3...

    Also, did you see the guys dressed as bananas in the crowd for the NZ-Italy game??? Also, they kept panning in on three older gents TOPLESS it was shall we say..eye opening.

    I heard the US gave the Poms a run for thier money!! Wow!!! Without Johnnie W who knows how England will do. In pool A I would assume that the Springbok will do well? I'm going to tape the Springbok-Samoa game & see!

    I have a workmate taping the Wales-Canada game that's on right now but not on free to air. It should be interesting when they meet the Wallabies..*sigh*

    Pool D...I really want Ireland and Argentina to do well...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Auckland...Honolulu... now San Diego.... where next ?!?
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycanuck View Post
    Are you ready? Are ye?

    I'm not looking forward to staying up halfway through the night to watch the games but then again it could be kind of fun...Also, since the French have the control over coverage of all the games, who know which ones they'll let us see??? I'm a bit confused about the coverage...

    No question in our house who we're barracking for of course...GO THE ALL BLACKS...and The Canucks!!!!

    I'm interested in seeing the match betwn Wales & Canada on the 9th of Sept as it could be a close game.

    It looks like the first BIG match is on the 14th of Sept btwn England and The Springbok..

    If you need the fixtures or any other info..http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/home/fi.../calendar.html

    ok, you can shoot me down, but I'm a little over it allready purely 'cos of all the build up and hype on TV

    Of course I'm pleased that they won against Itala And I did see Grizely Adams talking in a very un-italian accent !
    Last edited by MillieNZ; 09-09-2007 at 08:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    I pretty much ignored the lead up commericals to the world cup..I know what it must be like in NZ at the moment...

    Perth isn't a rugby mad town..we have to put up with footy.. I was quite surprised to see TWO pages about the RWC on saturday!!!! Gee, how nice of the West Australian (the paper)

    My co worker taped the US-England and Canada-Wales games for me..I guess i'm watching them tonight!!!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Off eating cake.
    That fella doesn't exactly have a suave, Italian look either. Looks rather more as though he's stuck in a student sidey-growing contest - deserves the win too.
    Drink coffee and do stupid things faster with more energy.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Middle Earth

    That was the make-up of the inaugral world cup opener so many years back - I watched it with my partner and his dad. I had no kids then...
    We thrashed Italy then too.

    Its good though, for the "unlikely-s" to get a chance to play against the "probables"... for teams like Italy to play the Allblacks... I think its a great - if I was in the Italy side, I would be absolutely chuffed to get a chance to play the ABs (or Wallabies etc) on an international stage. I'm afraid I watched the replay on that one - I had had a 66km hilly road race and was bushed by the evening and couldn't stay awake til midnight.

    But I did watch the Argentinians beat France... wow, what a great game - the looks on the French of such disbelief after the game were amazing to see.

    CC - you are right about the advertising here... the biggest playing ad at the moment is showing a series of everyday NZers who injure themselves in various everyday ways - a cut shaving, a graze falling over etc etc - and guess what - everyone's blood is black!

    My youngest wore all black to school on Friday and amongst other things they had an aerial photo of all the school kids taken on the field in the shape of a silver (but black) fern. They are trying to win a competition to prove they are the biggest AB fans - the winning school gets the ABs to visit for the day!

    I gotta watch out for Grizzly Adams - I have somehow missed him completely!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia

    i missed it

    Poooo...I don't think we taped the England-Springbok game

    Anywho...Interesting score!!! 36-0 for the Springbok..



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Middle Earth
    yeah CC...

    Can't wait to rub this in to my Brit friends!!!


    Sorry you missed it - a good thrashing like that is kind've like watching John Cleese's "Basil Fawlty"
    Cringingly embarrassing - but you just HAVE to watch

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    Wallbies kicked Wales on their home turf!

    Can't say I watched it... I was more interested in the NQ Cowboys Walloping the NZ Warriors in the NRL final yesterday! GO THE COWBOYS!

    Beginner Triathlete Log



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