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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question mtn biking courses

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    Interested in mtn biking and was wondering is it worth taking a mtn biking course or will I learn while riding? Are any good and (not expensive) courses available in southern Ontario?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ottawa, ON

    Thumbs up mtn biking courses

    I know that I have recently become involved with a group from my area, that I found out about on line. There are organized rides a couple times a week, and although they aren't courses on "how to ride", I learned pretty quickly from following others. It's also nice to ride and learn with other women too. Don't know where abouts you are in S. Ont., but I am sure that your local bike shop could even hook you up with others to ride with. It can't hurt to ask. Also, I know that there are a lot of 'guy' websites that originate in your neck of the woods, you can always check them out and see if they are affiliated with a womens' one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thanks for the reply! I will definitely check out the bike stores for more info- never considered them anything more than a just selling bikes!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Sorry for my cynicism, but I think if you need a course, you shouldn't be riding a mountain bike.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Northern California


    What smug arrogance! "I think if you need a course, you shouldn't be riding a mountain bike." Excuse me, but I have never seen an infant pop from the womb knowing how to ride a mountain bike or any other bike for that matter. Skills are acquired, not inborn. Everyone has to start somewhere.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ottawa, ON

    Thumbs down

    I believe that we all have to start somewhere, and discouraging someone to ride because they are new, is very sad. It is that kind of attitude that makes people less likely to try something new, or to be intimidated to try with those who have experience.
    So, ride your bike, learn with those willing to help, then teach someone else to ride. It's the best thing that you can do for someone!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Smile Appreciate the input

    Thanks DoubleLori & Gapgirl for your advice and encouragement.
    After that previous remark, I am more adament about not only learning 1st hand but how I can later help others! Thanks!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Michigan(Suburb of Detroit)

    Smile MTB Courses, etc

    Hi! First let me say good for you! Wanting to learn is always a good thing, for anything I think! I have been riding for a few years, my husband, then boyfriend got me started.

    I rode only with him till recently going to a Woman's Mountain Biking Symposium! It was so much fun & I learned tons! They had guy & girl "instructors" and broke us up based on our skill level. It was held by the MMBA(Michigan Mountain Bike Association.) along with the DNR (Depatment of Natural Resources). It was nice to meet and ride with other females and learn and be able to ask questions,etc. My husband is great, but not to learn from so much. I think I was a lot more relaxed without him there.
    I would love to take more like it! I am also trying to find some in my area. I just think it is good to learn certain things from others that know more and can give you tips,etc. Some things aren't too fun to leran the hard way. Where abouts in South Ontario are you? I used to spend a lot of time insummers in Ontario & alos a lot of time in the Southeastern part year round as I had a (former)fiance just outside of Windsor in Essex County) I love Ontario! Well, if you can give me a better idea where you are I may be able to help you! Good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Thumbs up

    I think taking lessons is a great idea! I bought a bike and just started riding, and when I wanted to start riding singletrack, I got an instuctor. After 4 lessons I was flying down things I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting before. Just a few bike handling skills allowed me to do what I wanted to do. Go for it!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Exclamation location

    Kittenbug: I live in Brant County (between Hamilton & London) - know of any resources, services, etc...that I can further look into?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Juleshort: Glad to hear your brief and effective lessons have payed off!

  12. #12
    pennys Guest
    how about finding some folks who to ride with who will let you pick their brains. If they can explain things in language you can understadn, it's a bonus. I had the pleaserue of doing an epic backcountry ride with some folks who were way better than me, one is a pro guide in Moab... they were more than happy to give me pointers.
    As for "if you need courses you shouldn't be riding"... I am sorry, that is so lame!!! You were never an eager beginner? I guess not.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by lyndaj
    Sorry for my cynicism, but I think if you need a course, you shouldn't be riding a mountain bike.
    That has to be about the rudest, most despicable thing I have ever heard someone say.

    Hip, I do trust that after all the replies you've received, you realize now that most of us who mountain bike are very thrilled to have a new rider join our ranks, and are excited for you and your desire to learn. Don't let one unthinking elitist steer you away from an activity that will change your life in so many wonderful ways.
    "You can't frighten me. I'm a coward. I'm scared all the time." -- Arnold Rimmer

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    Hey Gals and to LindaJ

    i happen to be a Level I mountain bike instructor/coach. What this means is that i teach beginners. I have gone through the National Coaching Certification Program, where you learn about coaching in general as well as how to teach the skills. And no it isn't THAT obvious how to teach skills.

    LindaJ, you should keep in mind that A LOT of women who take up mountain biking are older. I have taught 30 and 40 year old women who haven't been ON a bike since they were 10! Perhaps you have been riding for a long time, but keep in mind guys are a lot more adventurous when it comes to riding, popping wheelies since they were on a trike. Women tend to be less dearing, and unfortunate fact, something i have been guilty of in the past. A women's-only course does AMAZING things for a women's confidence. When i taught earlier this summer we had beginner women going over this obstacle with a ramp and stairs by the end of the weekend (and these were BEGINNER women). When i started to learn (ON MY OWN, may i ad) there was no way you would have paid me Bill Gates salary to even try that. So the fact that we had beginners who were unsure of themselves on saturday and by sunday we had them doing that little trick is an amazing thing. I am proud of them.

    SO...a course can do amazing things to help your technique and your confidence. Something you can't always get by riding with the buddies. I learned a lot myself doing the training to LEARN to teach. There is a great deal you take for granted when you have been riding for a long time. And to teach very basic skills, you have to remember all the things that made you nervous the first time you sat on the saddle.

    those were my two canadian cents.
    Happy riding!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    North Carolina, USA

    Thumbs up Wow!!

    Where can I take a course like that?! That sounds like a lot of fun.....( I am in Winston-Salem, NC USA)....
    All who joy would win must share it -- happiness was born a twin. (Byron)



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