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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Seattle 'burbs

    Winter Booties for Seattle's Weather: Reviews + Requests

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    Pearl's AmFibs: Not waterproof.
    Trek Neoprene: Waterproof, but the zipper up the front is now leaking.
    Performance Neoprene: Mostly waterproof, but blew the zipper out on two pairs (they zip up the back) before I gave up.

    Anyone have a great pair of WATERPROOF booties they'd care to recommend (or not!)? I've heard Assos' are not that impressive, for all that you're paying. But what else is out there that works?

    Lisa, still waiting for her socks to dry out on her laptop at 2 p.m.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sealskinz. Waterproof socks. Haven't tried them, but lots of people swear by them. Wet shoes, but dry feet
    Most days in life don't stand out, But life's about those days that will...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Seattle 'burbs
    Quote Originally Posted by CA_in_NC View Post
    Sealskinz. Waterproof socks. Haven't tried them, but lots of people swear by them. Wet shoes, but dry feet
    I use those for hiking in the winter. They're OK, but bulky.

    And I gotta keep the three-day-old Sidi's pristine!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    if they are waterproof are they warm too? i need a pair that is waterproof and warm.
    "Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." – William C. Durant

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Looking at all the love there that's sleeping
    I use my Sealskin socks for fall kayaking. I also find them too bulky for cycling (except perhaps mtb'ing and my commuter shoes are big enough to fit them, I suppose).
    I just did a google search on "Waterproof cycling booties" and came up with this:
    Hope this helps.
    I don't think my Adidas covers are waterproof....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Seattle, WA
    [QUOTE=LisaB;136760]Pearl's AmFibs: Not waterproof.
    Trek Neoprene: Waterproof, but the zipper up the front is now leaking.
    Performance Neoprene: Mostly waterproof, but blew the zipper out on two pairs (they zip up the back) before I gave up. QUOTE]

    I am using Proformance Neos called Sidetrak. They are a bit snug but don't have zippers to fuss with. All Velcro. If/when they are worn out, I will probably swap out my pedals for flats and wear the over (shoe) boots.

    Do you ever wear a balaclava? I wonder if those are helpful in the cold wet NW weather.
    Yes, SHE can.

    "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly"
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Seattle 'burbs
    Quote Originally Posted by Quillfred View Post
    Do you ever wear a balaclava? I wonder if those are helpful in the cold wet NW weather.
    When it gets really cold I'll wear a light headband to cover my ears, but I've never bothered with any head covering besides my helmet - I never stay cold enough, long enough - by mile 3 or 4 I'm usually ready to start stripping down, not wishing I had more layers. My husband has a little smartwool beanie that he wears, but he's got Lance-style hair, and needs more insulation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    San Francisco, CA

    old school galoshes

    This will only work if you don't wear clipless shoes.

    In a recent tour, I got sick of having cold, wet feet and bought some old-fashioned galoshes at an army surplus store. They're very light, keep my feet dry and wind-protected, and they pack up very well. Also, i like to think they're not as dorky looking as the booties, because they look mainly like Keens over my feet.

    as for head covering in the rain and cold, I usually wear a hard-hat liner. They're cheap, warm, and cover yer ears, and are designed to go under a hard-hat, so they work great under my helmet. you can find them at working-person supply stores,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pacific Northwest

    I use these--Sugoi Resistor booties. Much more durable and water-resistant than the neoprene.
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