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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    New cycle-touring book to read :-)

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    Unleashed in New Zealand some five months ago, Llamas and Empanadas is now available to the rest of the world through the wonderful medium of the internet! Hoorah.
    It's a personal account of a 5,500 kilometre bike tour through South America that I made in 2004, visiting Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. I never actually planned to write a book, but when I returned home, sun-blistered and brain-frazzled, I started typing and just couldn't stop.
    Writing Llamas and Empanadas turned out to be equally as challenging and satisfying as the cycle-tour it describes. The one notable difference being that I got fatter rather than thinner along the way :-)

    Below is a link to the Penguin website where you can read a bit about it.


    and you can order it here:


    And if you want to see more photos from the trip, go here:


    I hope you enjoy reading it,
    eleanor meecham
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sillycon Valley, California
    I'm currently reading this, and enjoying it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Riding my Luna & Rivendell in the Hudson Valley, NY
    Wow, congratulations! Gorgeous photos.
    The Amazon page could use a description of what the book is about somewhere.

    Great to see a book like this come out.
    My mountain dulcimer network...FOTMD.com...and my mountain dulcimer blog
    My personal blog:My blog

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Just wanted to say that I just finished reading your book a couple of days ago and it was wonderful beyond words. I am headed on a solo cycling trip in Patagonia (Lake District->Carretera Austral -> Tierra del Fuego) in a little over a month and your book just confirmed for me that it is completely what I want to do; I've traveled a fair amount in SA and your stories so often resonated with my own experience, people telling me I was crazy, flirtatious locals (in spite of often great stench), and the good people everywhere (not to mention the facturas!)

    I'm so glad to see that your book is available more locally to the states now; I ordered it from NZ and it was $US45 including postage...well worth it though. It was more difficult to have to wait for it to arrive! I'm planning to get another copy to share with friends since I don't want mine going missing.

    Speaking of which, I was so sorry to read that your bike got stolen! I would be absolutely heartbroken.

    Thanks for sharing your story, it was a joy to read.

    Last edited by onimity; 10-22-2007 at 07:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Off eating cake.
    I read your article in Spoke. Looked like an amazing trip. Just waiting for Borders to email me a discount voucher for non-fiction.
    Drink coffee and do stupid things faster with more energy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by onimity View Post
    Thanks for sharing your story, it was a joy to read.

    Hi Anne, apologies for the delay in replying, but thank you so much for your kind comments. It's more satisfying than I could ever have imagined to hear that people are enjoying the book. An added bonus that I really hadn't anticipated.
    Good luck with your Chilean trip! I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time. Just don't forget a really good rainjacket and lots of spare brake pads :-)
    Will you be keeping an online travel diary? I'd love to read it to offset the stagnation caused by sitting on my backside for long periods while writing the second book...
    Happy cycling!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtDiva View Post
    I read your article in Spoke. Looked like an amazing trip. Just waiting for Borders to email me a discount voucher for non-fiction.
    They WERE doing a 3 for 2 deal on it a month or so back. I'm not sure if that's still on....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa S.H. View Post
    Wow, congratulations! Gorgeous photos.
    The Amazon page could use a description of what the book is about somewhere.
    Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the photos.
    If you buy a copy of the book from Amazon, you can write your own review. Hint hint :-)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by snapdragen View Post
    I'm currently reading this, and enjoying it!
    How on earth did you break your neck?! Was it a close encounter with the ground after spilling off your steed?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    just bought your book. For some reason USA Amazon doesn't carry it but Canadian Amazon does...
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mimitabby View Post
    just bought your book. For some reason USA Amazon doesn't carry it but Canadian Amazon does...
    Thankyou. Every sale helps an impoverished cyclist...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hi Eleanor,

    A second book, that's fabulous! Are you writing another cycling/travel book? I just submitted a review on Amazon, hope it helps. I plan to recommend your book to everyone that tells me I am crazy and will die traveling alone in SA. There is, of course, no shortage of such people.

    Yes, I will be keeping a travel journal on my trip, posting what I can on my website (www.annedirkse.com). I'm not sure how often I'll be updating it on the road, sort of depends how frustratingly slow the connections are & how much time I want to spend dealing with them. I leave on Dec 1... I am counting the days!

    I've unfortunately been able to test out my rain jacket a little too often lately but am glad to report that it seems to be a good one. We've had plenty of wind too, but I'm sure it doesn't compare.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by onimity View Post
    A second book, that's fabulous! Are you writing another cycling/travel book?
    I'm hoping to, yes, I recently returned from 5 months cycling through Mexico and I'm looking forward to finding the time to start organising my diaries.

    Quote Originally Posted by onimity View Post
    I just submitted a review on Amazon, hope it helps.
    Thank you! Much appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by onimity View Post
    I plan to recommend your book to everyone that tells me I am crazy and will die traveling alone in SA. There is, of course, no shortage of such people.
    I know. What is it with that? Have you noticed that all the people who tell you that you'll die are never the ones who have been to the country you're planning on visiting? And those who have been tell you what a great time you're going to have. I only ever take the advice of other cycle tourists now...they usually have some idea of what they're talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by onimity View Post
    Yes, I will be keeping a travel journal on my trip, posting what I can on my website (www.annedirkse.com).
    Nice one. I'll check it out. Happy travels!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Very cool about the Mexico trip/book, I can't wait to read about it!

    I know. What is it with that? Have you noticed that all the people who tell you that you'll die are never the ones who have been to the country you're planning on visiting? And those who have been tell you what a great time you're going to have. I only ever take the advice of other cycle tourists now...they usually have some idea of what they're talking about.
    Yea, exactly. Or if they have been no one gave them any hassle because they were (or were with) a big, strong man. Honestly, I've felt nothing but over-protected when traveling alone in SA. ¿Estás sola? ¡Pobrecita! Whereas with a guy in tow I've found that people are much more inclined to increase prices and much less inclined to chat.

    When I started planning my trip I sent out an e-mail asking for advice/putting me in touch with anyone that had done such a trip. The responses basically amounted to:

    1) I haven't ridden in SA, but you're going to have a blast. I've ridden from x to y and had a blast. My gear list always includes...but don't bring too much!


    2) I haven't ever ridden a bicycle out of my neighborhood. But I know someone that has. But he was male, and he was in Canada/the US. I WOULD NOT GO ALONE. You're talking about South America, after all, which I've never visited because it is so dangerous.

    I know who I'm going to believe...


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sillycon Valley, California
    Quote Originally Posted by eleanor from nz View Post
    How on earth did you break your neck?! Was it a close encounter with the ground after spilling off your steed?
    Not really broken, just a bit bent. Long story shortened, it's turned out to be some major disc compression in my neck, who knows what it was caused by. Guess I need to think up a new sig line, eh?



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