View Full Version : Running - Feb. 18 - 24

02-18-2008, 05:53 AM
Whee, I get to start this thread! Of course, I have no clever title this morning.

Anyway, I got up at 5:45am to go for a run in the cold and dark this morning. That's a first for me!!! And it was tough to drag my butt outta bed, let me tell you. I had all my stuff set out and ready to go but of course it turned out to be -9 out so I had dig around for 5 minutes looking for my warmer socks. It was interesting to run when I'm still half asleep but I felt good. Calves were a bit tight but felt ok so I did 2:00 run intervals today. We'll see how that feels. I didn't do much leg work at the gym yesterday so hope that helps.

Have a good week everyone!

02-18-2008, 06:47 AM
Wow KGirl, you are a better woman than I am. 8am is my early range...any earlier and I think my muscles are still sleeping and it's cruel and unusual punishment.

I'm not running today. I just popped in to say I'm impressed :D

02-18-2008, 06:55 AM
Great job KG! I thought it was funny seeing your wine-drinking avatar next to the "I got up at 5:45 to run!" :) Right now I identify with the avatar more!!

At -9, you were probably not half-awake for long! That's, hmm, "refreshing" weather...

This week is half-recovery and half-reconditioning towards my next race, which is a 8km in one month. I'm letting go of the long long runs and going for a lot more speedwork and leg-speed workouts. Here's the plan:

Tuesday: Run-walk with a semi-injured friend, however long she wants.
Wednesday: If possible, 60 minutes on the trainer bike at recovery pace
Thursday: Short 30-min run
Friday: 60 minutes on the bike, maybe some light intervals if the music is good, followed by 20 minutes doing some core exercises on the ball
Saturday: 30- or 40-minute run with some strides
Sunday: 60-minute run

And get a massage. Stretch nicely.

Thanks for starting the thread.

02-18-2008, 12:40 PM
Can I join in? :) I just got back from the gym. Unlike some, I just can not make myself run outside when it is 9 degrees!!! I did 4 miles alternating uphill walking (10% and 4 mph) with running at 3% at about 6 mph. I do a half mile walk and a mile run. I am not a good runner, and am hoping to get better this year. I am shooting for a May 3 trail run of 22K, and then the Western States trail run clinic over memorial day - 32, 20 and 20 miles in three days YIKES!!!! Not a good runner, but I can power hike forever!

I'll go back to the gym and do a spin class this evening and then take tomorrow off (work all day, though)

Run, just Run.


02-18-2008, 02:14 PM
Man - your temps make me feel like a wimp for being cold running in 40 degree weather. Anyways, I ran 3 miles with multiple hills today, climbing just shy of 400 feet. Did weights afterwards. Happy running to all!

02-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Hi Ladies,
Thought I would post my runs since I haven't forever. We are in the process of selling, buying and moving closer to where I work. I did a long run of 12 miles in the cold head wind today. My girlfriend ran the last 5 miles with me. The last 2 were horrible run /walk to finish (mostly walking or a slow trot). I am so tired! It really beat me up. I have been running and trying to get back into the RYAN HALL'S HALF MARATHON TRAINING PLAN from runners world . Last year the plan really helped me. I am struggling this year to get it all going. I did a 10 mile run a few weeks ago and felt okay. My next half is the Salt Lake half April 19th only 8 weeks out. Anyone else running it??? I would love to get under the 2:00 mark. Hoping the speed work and tempo runs will take me there. I am trying hard to get to the gym to do weights. Just can't seem to fit it all in lately.

Kgirl, I would love to have a glass of wine with you!:D:D Nice job getting out in the freezing cold dark! Thanks for starting the thread.

02-18-2008, 05:43 PM
I usually run at 6am, but since I had the day off I was able to sleep until 7:30 and even run in the light! It was a beautiful, blue sky morning, 58 degrees. Since I didn't need to be anywhere at any particular time I figured it was a good day to do a longer run. So, I did 3.75 miles, the first time I've run over 3.4 miles. My legs were really tired at the end and my pace suffered, but I managed to bring it in just under 10 minutes per mile.

02-18-2008, 05:48 PM
I usually run at 6am, but since I had the day off I was able to sleep until 7:30 and even run in the light! It was a beautiful, blue sky morning, 58 degrees. Since I didn't need to be anywhere at any particular time I figured it was a good day to do a longer run. So, I did 3.75 miles, the first time I've run over 3.4 miles. My legs were really tired at the end and my pace suffered, but I managed to bring it in just under 10 minutes per mile.

MDHillSlug, congratulations on your longest run! That is a good pace too -- I'm a newer runner and currently running about the same distances as you, but slower -- more like 10:30 to 10:45 pace on the treadmill, and did a rolling 3.36 mile trail run on Sunday at a 12:17 pace (had to walk after the hills to keep my HR from going through the roof!)

Anyway, great job!


02-18-2008, 08:31 PM
Hey ladies. I ran the treadmill today. You guys who run in sub freezing temps are CRAZY! :p Anyway, did a slow and stead 5 miles today just to get the legs moving for this weeks runs. Ended up getting in those 5 miles in about 55 minutes. I need to gain some mileage this week so we'll see how that works. Shiraz, you have an awful nice g/f if she ran 5 miles in a cold headwind with you. :)

02-18-2008, 08:47 PM
Hey Shiraz, I'll share a bottle of wine with you anytime! PS I have two daughters 22 and 24...

Tiffany - I hate running on a treadmill - I'll take the cold any day (if I'm properly dressed). I actually prefer it to extreme heat...

02-19-2008, 05:28 AM
Tiffany - I hate running on a treadmill - I'll take the cold any day (if I'm properly dressed). I actually prefer it to extreme heat...
I hear ya girl. To be quite honest, I'd probably run outside even in the extreme cold if I had proper daylight. As it is, I get up to go to work at 5:30 and I don't get home until around 5:00 or after. During the Winter months that leaves little to no daylight. I'm looking forward to the time change next month ... maybe I'll get enough daylight time in the evenings to start running outside. :)

02-19-2008, 07:20 AM
Tuesday morning, the semi-injured friend was still in bed (we seem to have had a misunderstanding about the time of our run!) so I went on my own in the chilly but beautiful, light morning. I ended up running only, no walk, although it was tempting to walk on the downhills because it was painful. But it would have extended the pain so I just ran. Five little kilometers at a nice jogging pace. Sweet Partner on his way to work honked at me as I was on my way back, I waved and felt like a star. :D Then I crossed path with my running partner, oops! She didn't seem mad though.

Glad I did it.

02-19-2008, 08:51 AM
Intervals today, in a stiff wind. It was hard, that stupid bronchitis really set me back, but it felt really good to do a hard workout again. 3.7 plus walking cooldown.

02-19-2008, 10:13 AM
Tiffany - I hate running on a treadmill - I'll take the cold any day (if I'm properly dressed). I actually prefer it to extreme heat...

Me 3.

I did another 8x2 minutes. coming home I was tired, but that took about 5 minutes and then I hopped on the trainer and did another hour. I feel good about myself.

02-19-2008, 12:02 PM
I tried a rcovery run yesterday and my legs were still pretty ouchy so I only went 1.7 miles (pats self on the back for not pushing past the pain). I've also mentally commited myself to 2 days no running. I figure I'll try another reco run on Thursday and see how it feels. Right now I feel like I'm tip toeing on a really fine line, I want to make sure I fall on the right side of it.

02-19-2008, 04:48 PM
I went to my PT appt today and he stripped my shins and is sending me to my MT to get it done twice more over the next couple of weeks. He thinks that my orthotics are working for me but I am still suffering pain from the old injury that never really healed. He said I should work through the injury and encouraged me to keep running. Yay!!

02-19-2008, 05:05 PM
Four miles in 43 minutes on the treadmill today....


02-19-2008, 05:55 PM
Did 6.2 miles on the treadmill tonight. I have to admit, it wasn't an easy 6 for me tonight. I was tired and struggling but at least I didn't quit. I made it! :D

02-20-2008, 07:03 AM
Last night I ran about 3 miles with 8 hill repeats in the middle. It was kind of fun because it was a bit late at night and I was trying to avoid turning on people's motion sensor lights! Fortunately, the road isn't well traveled so I could run in the middle for the hills.

I learned something. My warm-ups and cool-downs weren't so different than my run because I'm slow anyway. Hills though make me crave a nice, flat, run/jog :D I was also able to work up a considerable sweat at 8pm.

Now for the fun stuff. I'm using Mapmyrun to map a 10 mile run for friday. I'm thinking something not too hilly and scenic. Maybe a water view?!

02-20-2008, 08:38 AM
I did just 2 miles on the treadmill and then walked another mile. My legs are still exhausted from the snowshoe race last weekend.

02-20-2008, 09:58 AM
Last night I ran about 3 miles with 8 hill repeats in the middle. It was kind of fun because it was a bit late at night and I was trying to avoid turning on people's motion sensor lights! Fortunately, the road isn't well traveled so I could run in the middle for the hills.

I learned something. My warm-ups and cool-downs weren't so different than my run because I'm slow anyway. Hills though make me crave a nice, flat, run/jog :D I was also able to work up a considerable sweat at 8pm.

Now for the fun stuff. I'm using Mapmyrun to map a 10 mile run for friday. I'm thinking something not too hilly and scenic. Maybe a water view?!

LOL, my warmups have to be walking... I seem to only have one speed for running.

02-20-2008, 10:05 AM
LOL, my warmups have to be walking... I seem to only have one speed for running.

Exactly. It's sad but I don't know where my warmup ends and where "running" begins?! :o

02-20-2008, 11:39 AM
I don't know where my warmup ends and where "running" begins?! :o

That was me until a couple of months ago when I started training for an actual event and actually managing my workouts. On my "long run" days, I still don't really know and don't particularly care :) But even though there's no such thing as an easy run for me, when I started doing intervals and speedplay regularly, it gave my body a better idea of pacing. When I'm really paying attention to whether I'm ready for that first interval, it turns out that I can tell (although the first interval is a kind of warmup, too). And when I've done a mile or two recovery jog when I'm tired after the intervals, that's a pace I can use for warming up the next time.

02-20-2008, 08:24 PM
I went for another run today. My calves were pretty sore from the PT yesterday so I hurt quite a bit. Did 3.6 km in 30 minutes - about the same as usual. I need to go soak in a tub of epsom salts tonight.

I have an appt for a massage (mostly getting the knots outta my shins) next Tuesday and again the week after. I'll be taking the following week off running while my eyes heal from laser surgery. Hopefully, by then, the trouble will be behind me.

02-21-2008, 07:31 AM
Lovely beach run this morning. I went with two friends and it was quite a beautiful morning to share. I love it when the sun rises over the city, setting the the North Shore on "fire" with all the orange reflections in people's windows.

Going down the long 2 km hill, I did a few accelerations to see how my legs took it. My left quad has completely recovered but my right glute was not enjoying it and I felt that I would injure myself if I pushed harder... so I didn't. (Wasn't the time for it anyway.)

I am starting to look forward to speedwork next week!

02-21-2008, 07:44 AM
Last night I went for a 3 mile jog/run during the eclipse. I stayed mostly on the roads but was briefly on the bike trail which is not lighted. I started thinking of Stephen King and how Bad Things happen during eclipses. Then I started hearing footsteps and a dog growling. I think I ended up running faster than I initially intended :o

Strangely enough, someone was fatally stabbed near our house last night. Someone else was shot in the face down near work as he was waiting for a red light. Maybe running faster was a good thing?!

02-21-2008, 03:52 PM
Oh teigyr that's creepy. There was a double murder in the next town from us last night, too. Full moon anyway, and eclipse on top of it :(

It took me most of the day to drag myself out for a run (still sore from intervals on Tuesday and weights yesterday), but once I did it actually felt really good. The surface was nice and smooth and firm in between rain storms, and there were a lot of people out - even some older men playing bocce, which I've never seen on the beach before. 5.8 today, extra slow (with no bright line between my "warmup" and the "body" of my run ;)).

02-22-2008, 07:19 AM
Wow, I hope nothing like that happens near my running route!!! I would be creeped up. (((Teigyr))) (can't find the hugging brackets on this keyboard...)

I decided not to go for my run this morning and to spend a bit of time with my sweet husband instead. We don't often have time together in the mornings. And I'm thinking that I need to be more dedicated at "resting" from my race. :p I want to feel like a new woman with new legs on Sunday morning. I'll have a nice long walk though. It's nice once in a while.

02-22-2008, 03:09 PM
Full moon, eclipse, AND a leap year to boot :D

Today I did 10 miles. Actually, I think it was closer to 11. I abided by the rules and didn't let my HR get up beyond a certain number and I am amazed at how easy it was to do the run. Instead of thinking I should go faster, I just got comfortable in my pace and was able to look around and talk to the people out walking their dogs (in passing, I'm slow but not THAT slow!). Honestly, that was the most fun I've ever had.

I did get a blister under a callous (am not sure if I should just cut it off or file it or stick a needle in it) and I had some chafing. I already have body glide for my wetsuit so I'll have to remember to use it for running too.

So yay! I'm looking forward to continuing this trend. DH and I are going to a concert tonight and I bet I'll start walking like an old woman any minute now...then again it might not hit me til tomorrow.

02-22-2008, 04:26 PM
...Honestly, that was the most fun I've ever had.

I'm so glad!!

02-22-2008, 04:52 PM
Wooh-hoo, PB today. I ran 4.5 miles today, my longest run ever. I was going pretty hard up until 3.5, then I cut the speed back (I was on the treadmill -- too chilly/rainy outside), felt like I could have gone all day at that pace! I definitely felt the endorphins kicking in, too. I wanted to go longer but decided to be sensible since I was already increasing more than 10% from the previous week, and I needed to get back to work anyway.

Next week, assuming no injuries, I'm going to <cross fingers> go for five miles for the first time in my 46 years! :D :D :D

I think I was extra motivated today because I bought a new Champion sports bra (recommended on TE), real Hind running shorts (with liner), and a Hind wicking top, so I felt fierce in the gym. :cool:


02-22-2008, 05:24 PM
Emily, congrats :D:D:D

I am starting to learn that sensible is a good thing. I bet you will do fine on your five mile run next week!

Just think, by the time it's nice enough to get outside, you will not be starting from scratch. You will actually enjoy it. That is so exciting!

02-22-2008, 06:00 PM
:D I truely believe you run faster, bike harder and just feel good in new clothes! I think I'll go shopping tomorrow cause I need to run faster!:D I have a theory that each time you sign up to run a new race you need a new outfit.

I had a okay week:
I ran my long (slow) run 12 miles on Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday : spinning class lots of fun with friends
Thursday 5 miles
Friday : off
Not enough miles but taught pediatric advance life support Friday and Saturday. Just can't fit it all in.Hoping to run Saturday and a 10 miler on Sunday
Count down until SLC half 8 weeks:eek:

02-22-2008, 11:03 PM
22 minutes today, in 3-minute bits!


02-23-2008, 03:40 PM
I started to get sick about a week ago and finally gave into it Wed - Fri. Slept about 16hrs on Friday and woke up feeling better, but not perfect today. Went to the gym and ran on the treadmill for 3 miles, fairly easy pace, then did some weights afterwards (same weight as usual but 1/2 the number of reps). I am still feeling ok so let's hope I'm over the worst of it.

02-23-2008, 04:14 PM
I did another 30:00 walk/run this morning. Legs were tight for first 10:00 then warmed up and felt ok.

02-24-2008, 09:37 AM
Oh my.

There is a lot of speedwork in my future.

Went out this morning with a bunch of friends with the intention of gently warming up with them (mostly beginners) and then trying something a bit more intense: trying to see if I could do 4-minute kilometers, times four. Somehow in my mind I had calculated that a 36-minute 8K (my race goal) was a 4min/km. (There is also a lot of arithmetics practice in my future!!) As planned, I warmed up with them for ten minutes and when I hit the flat part I took off.

I lasted one mile.

But I ran it in 6m26s, which I guess is pretty good since it's 45 seconds faster per mile than my race goal.

Two problems: 1) my heart rate was probably maxing out. I didn't have my HRM on but I'm pretty sure I was in the upper 190s there. (My max is a bit over 200.) 2) my ARMS - of all things - just couldn't keep up. 3) I need more mental training. I probably could have pushed that pace for another kilometer.

I walked for a minute, then jogged back to catch up with the group who had turned around earlier. I caught up with them quite close to the end of the run, and whatever small change I had left, I had to use!

Now that I realize that a 36-minute 8K is actually 4m30s per km, I am feeling immensely better and quite certain that it's a reasonable goal. But there is still significant speedwork in my future!! And tempo runs. And probably a bit of core muscles work too. It's time to bring those upper-body muscles back to life!!

Thanks for letting me debrief. (I didn't really give you a choice, did I?) It makes a lot more sense now.

ETA: And I was way too warm, at 4C, wearing 3/4 pants and a LS shirt and my "winter" running hat (thick cotton). There is a new pair of shorts in my future. :D

02-24-2008, 01:51 PM
I did a 4.5 mile trail run today. Was wearing the perfect layers for 42-43 degrees and felt pretty good. Had to walk some after the hills to keep my heart rate below 90% of max, but my time was respectable for me (and for trails) at right around 12 minute miles. I used DH's stop watch to get my time for each lap, and I got faster with each succeeding one without trying, so that was pretty cool. :cool:


02-24-2008, 04:01 PM
Wow, ladies, I'm sensing a lot of positive running vibes this week! Thanks for being so inspirational!

I didn't run as much as I would have liked this week, but, well...the snow is just too good! :D I was planning to do 14/8 Sat/Sun but ended up skate skiing 20k on Friday, classic skiing (on new "real" classic skis that absolutely kicked my @ss) 18 k Saturday, and then running 12 today. It's a close approximation, right?! I'll probably try to get in a mid distance run tomorrow. I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Still not enough time on my feet for the 50k in April. Hmmm. I wanted to do one in the spring before the BIG one in July (which I think will be a lot of power hiking). I might have to skip the spring one, though.

On today's run my feet actually touched dirt (mud) several times. That's the first time I've run on something other than snow since Dec. 1, 2007 (though it was mostly still snow and ice). The next couple of months will be a mudfest...I wish we could go from snow to rock/dirt. :p

Spring is coming!! :) :(

02-24-2008, 04:27 PM
3 minute push/3 minute jog x 5, total of 4.5 mi. My legs felt like lead but I got out there. Today's theme on the beach: little kids digging great big holes and not filling them in. But it wasn't that crowded that they were hard to avoid :cool:

Tuesday's run is intervals and I WILL be back to where I was before I got sick.

Although I think the extra upper-body work I've been doing is taking something out of my running, also. Hopefully I'll stabilize a little in the next few days and not be so sore.

02-24-2008, 04:47 PM
I was supossed to do a long bike ride today - weather was perfect, upper 50s sunny with no wind. Left to go home from the barn at 1pm with above weather conditions, was still nice at 1:30, went outside to go at 2pm and the temp had dropped, wind up a bit, and cloudy - nothing on the radar. Went out and 5 miles in it started to sprinkle. By mile 7 I turned around. The temp had dropped over 15 degrees in less than an hour, and no weather report had predicted it. So inside onto the treadmill for another 3 miles. Unplanned brick, but it went well.

02-24-2008, 04:56 PM
I did a track workout today with single laps then double laps.

Um...ouch?! It's all good but at the time I was cursing whatever deity would listen to me.

I learned I need to know a lot more about pacing. I also need to relax more because with the "faster" mindset I think I either tighten my muscles up too much or something. I need to run like I always did, just a wee bit faster.

It was fun though in retrospect :D

02-24-2008, 06:08 PM
At least you weren't cursing your coach. :p That's what I do.

I did 10 miles today as a split workout of 5 and 5. Boring track workouts but I needed the flat to make sure my legs were OK and recovered enough to start back in.

02-25-2008, 06:08 AM
I got out this morning for a 3.7mi run. It was pretty good, a bit faster than last time.

I'm thinking about a race in late May that's a 4 miler. I've not yet run over 3.75 but I figure I've got lots of time to get comfortable at that distance.

02-25-2008, 07:08 PM
5k yesterday, I've been doing all my running on the treadmill, so it was nice to get back on the road.

02-25-2008, 07:18 PM
3.8 km. 32:00. 15:00 running, rest walking. Shins hurt but I just kept going. They feel fine right now.