View Full Version : Long and Less Long Runs: 4-23 to 4-29

04-23-2007, 07:14 AM
Well, I don't run until Wednesday, but figured I would start the thread. OH! I completed my first tri this past weekend, report is posted up in race reports section.

Have a great week of running ladies!

04-25-2007, 07:38 AM
Did my first run of the week today - hill repeats. Eh. The route I had planned was 3.5miles with one long hill, and two short hills with the long hill repeated twice, short hills 3 times. But they decided today was the day to repave my road, so I had to improvise. I can't gripe too much, though, because once they get done I'll have nice cushy asphalt to run on, which my knees will love. Overall, I got in somewhere between 3 and 4 miles, running up the hills and on the flat, and walking down the hill.

How are you gals doing?

04-25-2007, 07:56 AM
Well, I ran 3 miles last night on the treadmill (it was raining). I went 3 miles in 32:40-10:50 minute mile.

I have a 6 mile run scheduled for Thursday. For Sunday I have a 25 mile bike and 3 mile run.

It's a pretty easy week for me. Otherwise, I have been biking and swimming... of course.

Great job on the hill repeats BT! If I can ever get a solid base, I will look at working on speed work. But for right now, it's all I can do to get the base miles done-slowly.

04-25-2007, 08:31 AM
I've got a cold. Whine whine sniffle sniffle. So no running for me yet this week. My body has decided to take this rest week stuff seriously and make sure that I can't train by filling my head with gunk. Uggggg!!

04-25-2007, 11:05 AM
10K Group run again... we are having 28°C weather so it is a bit hot for my taste. And they don't run in the flat all the time so I was fighting even a bit more than last week.

The heat will really be something for me to overcome... I hope we won't get another killer summer.

04-25-2007, 02:19 PM
Wahine, you'll be back at it in no time, I'll bet. You're so strong you'll kick it in the fanny after sufficient rest. :D

Alpinerabbit, I too dread the heat. I wasn't running last summer, so this will be a new experience for me here in Utah. :eek: I hope it doesn't kill my desire to run!

Ran yesterday, nice and easy (still in recovery/easy mode). Developed what seems to be a "knot" (?) in my calf after about 2 miles and it's still there. I think it's my leg rebelling after Saturday. My ineptitude at running uphill creates much calf distress, and I did an awful lot of uphill running (and walking) Sat. I may try running easy again on Thursday. Long run planned for Fri.

04-25-2007, 02:50 PM
So far pretty boring this week, 3 miles yesterday (plus 12 mile ride), 40 minute tempo run today, probably another 3 miles plus 12 mile ride tomorrow (or strength + 12 mile ride), 5 miles Saturday, 10 miles Sunday. I might turn Saturday's run into a 30 mile ride + 3 mile run brick instead, but I'm afraid that might kill me for Sunday (eh, I could always take Sunday's 10 miles easy).

I've been trying to spend time on stretching, which has been really productive, I feel much more loose when I make a point of stretching well. The only area I'm having trouble with is my shins, or whatever you call those muscles. I can't figure out how to stretch and truly release them.

04-25-2007, 04:31 PM
Hi Guys,
Yoda sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are back at it quickly.

I am on an easy week, so I did a nice 4 mile trail run today with some pick ups thrown in. It was unstructured, and relaxed.

Nothing epic or exciting, just nice.

04-25-2007, 06:12 PM
Thanks RnR and Yellow. I have to admit that this glass of red wine is making me feel a whole lot better.:)

04-25-2007, 07:44 PM
Hi Everyone,
I too am in recovery from my half. Monday I took the day off .Tuesday, I ran / walked on the tread mill 3 miles and lifted weights. My legs felt like they weighed 1000 pounds. Today, I biked a tough 28 miles of hills and then ran walked 2 miles right after. My legs were jello! I could not get them to go. I ran the first miles and ran walked the second. Oh well!

My glass of red wine is making me forget the pain of the run. The bike ride was wonderful. The temp was 65 degrees and just beautiful! Rolling country hills with a few challenging climbs. What could be any greater! Iam planning to run Friday am and run in the March of Dimes 6K Saturday AM, run Sunday and bike with DH.
Hope everyone has a great week!!!

04-25-2007, 09:09 PM
Everytime I see your name, I want a glass of wine. Although I'd probably be called Merlot myself.... :)

04-26-2007, 12:28 AM
Cabernet for me probably (or crianza - last bottle we opened of that was yum).

Got intervals planned for today - and its warm, oh joy. When it gets really warm here (i.e. over about 20C) I try to go running first thing in the morning when it is cooler and the air is fresher, I hate running in warm evenings. The only problem with morning running is I have to make myself ignore the siren call of the duvet, its a real stuggle sometimes.

04-26-2007, 03:24 AM
I'm doing an easy week too. 4 miles on Tuesday, a fast 5k last night. Today is a group ride and Friday rest. I've been spending more time doing weights and ab workouts.

I have a 4 mile trail run race on Saturday. It's a tough course: single track with lots of hills and full of roots and tree stumps. I've taken quite a few falls on it. But, it's fun too.

04-26-2007, 07:35 AM
Did 6.7 miles in total today. I was scheduled to do intervals today, 8 2minute intervals with 2 minute recovery with 2 miles of easy running on either side. I realised the intervals would cover a lot of distance so I cut short the warm up (its really warm here so no problem) did the intervals which hurt, a lot, thankfully managed to find a loop where I would predominantly be running into the breeze to try to keep cool. I found the last four easier than the first four which was odd but my legs were tired from last nights ride. Unusually I walked for about 20 seconds each recovery but this made sure I got fluids in easily. Not sure how far I ran to "cool down" (ha ha) but I think it was over 1 mile. Thinking of doing 6 x 3 mins with 3 min recoveries next week, now that will hurt. Due to my extra weekend run this has been my highest mileage week ever with just over 24 miles.

I'm loathe to dig out my shorts and sleeveless tops as the weather has been unseasonably warm here and the minute I get them out there will be a cold snap.

04-26-2007, 09:03 AM
Tattiefritter, while you're getting the unseasonable warmth in Europe, it's been the opposite here - we're setting records for cool temps, and we had the latest measurable snow ever for our area a couple weeks ago. Gotta keep both seasons of clothes out. I'll take the cool, but I hope I can tolerate the heat when it hits.

Did 8 miles yesterday evening. Six were tempo and the first and last were at an easy pace. Felt pretty good, but my calves were really tight at the end. Doing lots of stretching and that helps. Two miles tomorrow.--

Have a good week everyone. :)


04-26-2007, 05:39 PM
1h 5m 30s
5.96 miles
10m 59s /mile

5.96 miles from house - Climb: 213.00 feet

Got home and ran. It was a beautiful day outside.

Overall it was a good run. I felt a bit of a side cramp coming on around 4.5 miles, but I worked on it and kept it away.

04-26-2007, 06:38 PM
No running, no walking, no biking. Feeling crappy.

04-26-2007, 07:02 PM
Me too. Lets start a pity party KG.:( :(

04-26-2007, 07:30 PM
Wow, how a long day at work can zap you of energy! I somehow thought I could come home and run....no way. What a day! Meetings all day, interviews for new staff, two sexual abuse exams (abnormal), than a staff meeting. I made it home at 8:00 and ate pasta and chocolate. Hum ...comfort food.

I am sorry you two ladies are sick. Sometimes I think that is the only rest we allow ourselves is to just fall into bed.

I am hoping to run tomorrow evening if my legs will return. Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

04-27-2007, 09:33 AM
Since I'm back into more base building, the LSD are starting again. I did 6miles today at a very easy pace, kept my HR in zone 1 all the time (by quite a bit, actually). Jogged the entire distance, so all went well.

I hope you get to feeling better girls!

04-28-2007, 10:42 AM
Hi guys. I hope everyone is doing well today and that the snifflers are feeling better. I just had a short run today. I went to the pool with the DH this morning, and then he dropped me off on the way home and I ran the trails the rest of the way.

I got new shoes, so it was nice.....

04-28-2007, 11:01 AM
I had a 5k trail run this morning. Before I even started I had a negative attitude, thinking I was going to do awful and making excuses to set myself up for failure. I actually stopped and walked, I've never done that before during a race. My time was 4 minutes slower than last year. :(

Everyone is bound to have a bad race day now and then, right? My attitude this afternoon is much better. I'm excited about training again and can't wait to do that trail run again in August at which time I plan to demolish the course. Thank you.

04-28-2007, 02:25 PM
There ya go Limewave...regroup and kick some butt...I LOVE it.

04-29-2007, 12:21 PM

1h 48m 01s
30.87 miles
17.15 miles/hr

Went out to WRL with Jonny to ride and run.

Also met up with Susan, from my cycling club. She does tri's as well.

The first loop around, I hung with Susan. Huh, she is too slow for me. Too bad, I would like a training buddy.

After that, for the last 2 loops I kicked it in. Overall a really good ride for me.

Unfortunately, my neck and back gives out long before my legs do.

OH! The new saddle on the tri bike.. TORTURE DEVICE. Ugh. It has to go back.

After the ride, went to run.

3.00 miles
10m 40s /mile

I was a little concerned about this run, since I have been hurting pretty bad after the 6 miler on Thursday.

The run was fine. I got a cramp at 1.5 miles, but worked on it, as always.

Overall a really good brick for me.

Could I have run 3 more miles, like I will need to do in an Olympic... yes, I think I could have with a bit slower pace.

04-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Friday evening : I ran 6 miles with running buddy Cindy....it was 80 degrees and I was sooooooo hot! Wow I have a hard time adjusting to running in the heat.

Saturday: Very enjoyable March of Dimes Walk America event 4-5 miles with very pregnant daughter and adorable grandson, upper body weights in the evening.

Sunday : 33 mile bike ride with DH then worked in the yard for 2 1/2 hour

BBQ hamburgars and root beer floats with family:D :D

04-30-2007, 06:11 PM
So far pretty boring this week, 3 miles yesterday (plus 12 mile ride), 40 minute tempo run today, probably another 3 miles plus 12 mile ride tomorrow (or strength + 12 mile ride), 5 miles Saturday, 10 miles Sunday. I might turn Saturday's run into a 30 mile ride + 3 mile run brick instead, but I'm afraid that might kill me for Sunday (eh, I could always take Sunday's 10 miles easy).

I stuck with the running plan this weekend, my riding compatriots decided they would rather nap. 5 miles Saturday, 10 miles Sunday. For Sunday's 10 miles I did on an out-and-back. I took the out easy (what I thought was easy, 50 minutes) and I thought I was taking the back easy, but it only took 45 minutes. I thought the back would be slower since the end is all uphill, but it was faster, and my HR was still in a fairly moderate zone. Go figure. I did have to stop halfway and get my dog some water at a public pump that goes into water from our aquifer (provides water for the area), she looked thirsty. Next time: bring the dog's collapsible bowl. Pump well, cup hands, dog drinks out of hands, pump well, cup hands, dog drinks out of hands.... just isn't as good for me as it was for her. :)

I had an odd sensation. I ran the trail that we usually bike to work, and I really expected the hills to kill me running, BUT it almost seemed like the hills were MORE dramatic riding than they were running. :confused: I guess that means it's time to spend more time on my bike and doing bricks!

I've been trying to spend time on stretching, which has been really productive, I feel much more loose when I make a point of stretching well. The only area I'm having trouble with is my shins, or whatever you call those muscles. I can't figure out how to stretch and truly release them.

I did the awesomest (yeah, not a word :rolleyes:) thing today: two new yoga poses! I finally have the strength in my upper body/core and the flexibility in my shoulders to do these:


My husband can now stop listening to me whine and yell at my TV about those two poses. Years I've been doing these DVDs on and off, and I have never ever been able to do those two, even when I was only doing yoga before I started getting more active. I always tried to press up into the first one and reach back for the second and my body just wouldn't cooperate.

Still have tender shins, though. I don't know if it's a stretching issue or something else. Might be time for some acupuncture again.

On to the next week!