View Full Version : Long and Less Long Runs: 3-26 to 4-1

03-26-2007, 08:32 AM
Aaaaaahhhhhhh... I finally get a rest day.... after 6 solid days of working out.

No running today, but this is what I have on my schedule for the week. We will see if it all happens:

March 26 - April 1
www.tripower.org Mike Plumb/Tri Coach:


swim workout #1B
5 mile easy run

Spin Class

3 mile run:
1 mile easy, 1 mile hard, 1 mile easy

swim workout #2B
3 mile easy run

64 mile ride

20 - 25 mile ride, am
3 mile run, pm

03-26-2007, 10:34 AM
KSH--I thought I had an ambitious schedule until I saw yours . . .

6 mile run AM
10 mile bike (on mntn bike towing trailer w/dd) PM

30 minutes pilates AM
4 mile run PM

Rest? or 20 mile Bike (road ride towing trailer w/DD)

30 minutes pilates AM
3 miles spd work LUNCH
30 mile rd bike PM

30 min pilates AM

8 mile run AM
13 mile mntn bike PM

yard work :D

03-26-2007, 11:17 AM
KSH--I thought I had an ambitious schedule until I saw yours . . .

6 mile run AM
10 mile bike (on mntn bike towing trailer w/dd) PM

30 minutes pilates AM
4 mile run PM

Rest? or 20 mile Bike (road ride towing trailer w/DD)

30 minutes pilates AM
3 miles spd work LUNCH
30 mile rd bike PM

30 min pilates AM

8 mile run AM
13 mile mntn bike PM

yard work :D

Yours looks very ambitious! You are certainly doing a lot more long runs than me! I can barely get 5 miles in as it is.

And... sometimes... I skip something. Well, I will skip 1 of those swim workouts typically. Although I told myself I have to STOP that with my Olympic distance tri just 2 months away.

03-26-2007, 11:43 AM
KSH--I'll skip a workout here or there too. I wish I was up to riding 64 miles already!

03-26-2007, 11:55 AM
KSH--I'll skip a workout here or there too. I wish I was up to riding 64 miles already!

HA! HA! HA! Who said I AM?!

I did a 60 mile ride with hills a couple of weeks back, I barely finished. I was seriously on my last leg for the last 10 miles. My thighs were burning so bad. It was painful!

03-26-2007, 04:00 PM
Easy 5 miles on the trails this afternoon. Storm blowing in but it's warm, so it felt good to get blown all around.

OK, I'll play:

Monday: weight training and easy run

Tuesday: Day Off! (it's supposed to snow)

Wednesday: run and probably weight training

Thursday: sit on a plane all day! :mad:

Friday: sit in a conference all day and evening thinking about how nice it would be to run instead of talk about superior internal customer service blah blah blah! :mad:

Saturday: sit in a conference all morning and afternoon then a plane all evening! :mad:

Sunday: run on the beach in Cali! :D

Monday: repeat Sunday! :D

Tuesday: repeat Sunday! :D

Wednesday: sit on a plane all day! :mad:

03-26-2007, 05:12 PM

I'm six weeks away from my first official half-marathon now (although I've run the distance before). As the weather gets better and better I have more motivation to cycle and less to run. Let's come up with a plan for the week so I have something to be accountable for.

Relaxed bike ride to rest.

7am: Run 7km.

Swim 1000m or rest.

Will depend on the weather. Either easy 30 min run or bike ride.

Run some speedwork, 45min.

Long bike ride (3h)

Long run (1h30)

We'll see...

03-27-2007, 03:38 PM
OK..I will play too...


Tuesday-lift weights, swim intervals hard

Wed-trail run intervals hard, 1.5 hours mt biking

Thursday-recovery run, lift weights

Friday-rest or easy ride

Saturday-long easy swim, long slow trail run

Sunday-sufferfest mt bike ride, probably 2-3 hours

I may move my Saturday run to a post sufferfest brick. Next week is an easy week....yea!

yep, I can have two rest days if I want them cuz I be "older" he he he....turn 45 and you can have two rest days too.....

03-27-2007, 05:40 PM
5m 5.00 miles 11m /mile

2.50 Mile Run from House - Climb: 85.00 feet

Ran my loop from my apartment after work.

This was a good run for me. I felt strong and the side cramp stayed at bay! It started to rear it's ugly head towards the end, but I kept it off.

Otherwise, my legs felt pretty good. I made sure to Bio-Freeze them before the run!

03-27-2007, 06:30 PM
What's that biofreeze thing, KSH??

Whatever it is, I could have used it on my run today. I was more tired than I thought from the bike rides (hadn't ridden much in a while), it felt like I was funning in jell-o, my legs were just not responsive. "There are no legs at the number you have dialed. Please try again..." was all I got for a response when I tried to run faster.

Oh well, I still went for a little over 45 minutes on nice trails on a gorgeous afternoon in Vancouver. There's worse lives than mine!!

03-27-2007, 06:34 PM
I was funning in jell-o,

There's worse lives than mine!!

I'll say. Funning in jello sounds like a good time.

I'm not posting my training week. I'm on a rest week. I was supposed to run today but I had to take an emergency client on my lunch hour and I missed my window of opportunity. I could've run after work but I was too burnt out from my work day. That's OK. Rest week is for goofing off guilt free.:D

I think I might try funning in jello later this week.

03-27-2007, 07:07 PM
What's that biofreeze thing, KSH??

Whatever it is, I could have used it on my run today. I was more tired than I thought from the bike rides (hadn't ridden much in a while), it felt like I was funning in jell-o, my legs were just not responsive. "There are no legs at the number you have dialed. Please try again..." was all I got for a response when I tried to run faster.

Oh well, I still went for a little over 45 minutes on nice trails on a gorgeous afternoon in Vancouver. There's worse lives than mine!!

It's kind of like a icy-hot gel that you put on painful areas. It seems better than icy-hot though. You can only get it from a chiro, or a Dr. or something. Maybe? I know I haven't found it in stores.

Not sure if that would have fixed the jello legs though.

45 minutes is a great run though! I got to run for 55 minutes next to traffic and fumes... so you certainly do have a nice life :D

03-27-2007, 07:53 PM
I think I might try funning in jello later this week.

I get confused from alternating between French and English keyboards! (Not that the j and f change place though, but maybe it's my left and right brains that are mixed up??)

Anyway, don't try it, it's not that jun. :(


03-27-2007, 07:56 PM
Not sure if that would have fixed the jello legs though.

Actually the legs were rock hard (not like raw meat, unfortunately), only the air around them was jello!!!

Maybe though I try to sleep with my legs in actual jello, that would certainly feel as good as your biofreeze thing!!

Ok I'll stop goofing around. But why do I have a craving for jello now? I haven't had jello in years and never cared for it. Oh well. I'll have some V8 instead for now.

03-28-2007, 12:46 AM
Forgot to update yesterday. Ended up running a total of just over 6 miles. The first two miles were really spent calibrating the footpod for my new Polar SD200. Once that was done I set off again on a run, the combination of beautiful spring day and new toy meant I did another 4.5 miles at 8.27mm average. The reason its so fast is that there is a pace setting on my new watch and I was playing! Legs felt good by the end and they felt good when on the climbing wall last night as well and they feel fine this morning. So I am almost up to running for an hour again already which puts me in a bit of a quandary - I need to find an event to train for otherwise I'll get bored. I'm struggling to find a 10K that isn't in the next two weeks! I need to have a good search then plan some running. My week is currently panning out as follows:

Monday: Day off (work and training) loads of gardening
Tuesday: 6 mile run lunchtime and climbing PM
Wednesday: PM 2 hour MTB ride (start in daylight :D )
Thursday: 5 mile run with short fartleks lunchtime, yoga class pm
Friday: 5 mile easy run lunchtime, sports massage PM :eek:
Saturday: Rest (more house type work)
Sunday: MTB ride (3 hour min)

My winter commuter is currently broken and my road bike not ready yet so no commuting to work for me this week :( . Next week will be similar but I'll hopefully get to ride in one day and increase one of the five milers to 6 then the week after I will back off, lets see if I can.

03-28-2007, 05:55 PM
TF, I love getting beat up by the massage therapist. :p

Mixture of snow/rain today so I ran 4 miles on the dreadmill and did my usual weight workout. I got a call from my doc today...I had my routine on Monday and it seems I flunked the urinanalysis and almost flunked the iron. I was told to "not exercise for 2 days and then come in for a recheck" on my urinanalysis. I've flunked before, so I know what this is about. :rolleyes: But 2 days of no exercise? Is she CRAZY??? :eek: :eek: The iron thing surprised me, though. I did get thumbs up for all my weight bearing exercise (including running!) and cholesterol. And I got the usual calcium warning (extra harsh since I pretty much avoid all of the foods on the "high calcium foods" list) and pretty much flunked my bone density test 2 years ago.

I'm on a plane and in airports most of tomorrow and in meetings all day Friday. If I'm lucky I'll get to run on Fri eve in San Diego but for some reason I'm thinking that I'll be subjected to peer pressure to engage in the usual drinking and networking that goes along with these conferences. Hopefully the hotel will have a "workout" room with free weights...

ta ta until next week!

03-28-2007, 08:16 PM
Did 5 miles this evening - 3 miles of tempo with a mile of warm-up and a mile of cool-down. Will try to do two miles on Friday and 8 on Sunday. Saturday is gym day - weights and rowing machine, and tomorrow is strength workout at home and maybe a short bike ride.

Does anyone else make a big effort to breathe through the nose instead of the mouth when running/biking? I've heard it's better to breathe through your nose but didn't think it was that big of a deal. Now I just read in Runner's World that breathing through your nose is more "relaxing" and helps you control your form. I breathed through my nose most of my run today and focused on keeping a steady pace, and I was surprised to find out I'd completed my mileage a little faster than I'd expected - ? Not a huge difference, but maybe this is a detail I shouldn't have been overlooking - ?


03-28-2007, 08:36 PM
Deb, breathing through your nose tends to get people to breath more into the lower lobes of the lungs and to use their diaphragm more. That's a good thing, it improves oxygen exchange so your blood should be able pick up more oxygen per breath. But you can only do this up to a certain level. With practice, I can breath through my nose (both in and out) in my zone 1 and 2. By zone 3 I can breath in through my nose but I have to breath out through my mouth. Zone 4 is all through the mouth.

I like nose breathing, it helps me to monitor my effort level and forces me to be more efficient while I run. I don't think it's made me any faster though.

03-29-2007, 12:25 AM
I also try to breathe through my nose as much as possible, it means I'm not working too hard and is definitely more relaxing. The point where I change from solely nose breathing to needing help from mouth breathing is always pretty consistent no matter what I'm doing - about 162/163. On long runs I always try to breathe through my nose all the time. It also means your less likley to inhale any flying bugs.

03-29-2007, 06:28 AM
Howdy running girls.

I traded my normal mid -week interval run for a hill run on the trails before mt biking last night. It was a tough run, but I am starting to feel the payoff of all of the intervals.

It was bout 3.5 miles.

03-29-2007, 09:21 PM
Wahine, interesting description about nose breathing increasing use the lower lobes of the lung and the diaphragm and the blood being able to pick up more oxygen per breath. Nose breathing felt like it helped my posture and gave me a more "relaxed" feeling with my efforts. Not a big thing, but the little things do add up, especially over distance.

Tattiefritter, you're not kidding about not inhaling bugs. I like to run on a path that follows the river and there are sometimes lots of gnats. They go straight for the teeth and the eyes - ick!


03-30-2007, 12:17 AM
Deborajen, its not so bad at this time of year but yes, inhaling bugs is just horrible.

I did 5.76 miles yesterday according to my new toy (which I am in love with). It was 2 miles easy then about 2.5 miles of fartleks then a mile or so of easy to cool down a bit. I tried to keep my pace for the first two miles down to about 9 mins per mile which was difficult (a lot easier for the last mile though :D ). Then did various length fartleks and got to feel what 7mm pace felt like - ouch, there is no way I could keep that up for any length of time yet. I find the pace feature really useful, more so than heart rate at the beginning of the run - I also noticed that as soon as I switched my Ipod on my pace increased as I listen to dance music.

Got 5 miles easy today - going to aim for 8:45mm/9mm pace - as got sports massage this evening. The only drawback with the RS200 is I keep looking at the watch to check pace and I just know I'm going to run into a lamppost or something.

That will give me a total of about 17 miles for the week.

03-30-2007, 06:47 AM
5.6 miles today at an average of 8:45 mm but there was some serious fluctuation in pace including the short section where I just got carried away and started running fast - no idea why had to get a grip on myself. In general it was easier to maintain the steady pace than yesterday as my legs were not as fresh. 17.5 miles total this week.

I almost did run into a lampost as well! :o Not because I was looking at my watch but because I was running past a primary school looking at the kids playing and thinking how great it was to see so many little girls running around playing football (soccer), just looked ahead in time to take evasive action. It would have really hurt and been really embarassing as I was approaching a crossing and there was a big queue of cars!

03-30-2007, 07:28 AM

34m 3.00 miles 11m 20s /mile

Well, it was raining, so I hit the treadmill after work.

Per instructions from my coach:

1st mile -slow- 12 minute mile

2nd mile -fast and steady- 10:30 minute mile

3rd mile -slow- 11:30 minute mile.

No side cramp. I think I'm figuring out that my body likes to run a 11-12 minute mile.


I went to my AM swim, and did:
40m 2300.00 meters 1m 44s /100 meters

250 W/U

4, 100's- 25 kick/50 swim/25 kick

4, 400's- 50 slow/50 fast

4, 100's- IM: Butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, free.

Then a C/D.

Here in about an hour I am heading to the gym for my slow 3 mile run. The rain has cleared some, but I didn't bring clothes to run outside in. So, back to the treadmill.

03-30-2007, 07:30 AM
I almost did run into a lampost as well! Not because I was looking at my watch but because I was running past a primary school looking at the kids playing and thinking how great it was to see so many little girls running around playing football (soccer), just looked ahead in time to take evasive action. It would have really hurt and been really embarassing as I was approaching a crossing and there was a big queue of cars!


I have almost done that myself, from not looking where I was going!

03-31-2007, 03:31 AM
Yesterday (Friday) I did...

34m 40s 3.00 miles 11m 34s /mile

Raining. Got on the treadmill at lunch.

Side cramp popped up at .10. Worked through it for the rest of 2.90 miles. It never got too bad, thank goodness.

And for the month of March... I have run 52 miles! :eek: I have NEVER run that far in 1 month, in my life in one month!

For the month of February, I only logged 35 miles... so my dedication to NOT missing running workouts has paid off.

Last year at this time I was barely able to run 2-3 miles and now I can run 50 miles a month! :D

03-31-2007, 10:32 AM
Slowly building up my endurance. Today I did 3 km without stopping and then walked for 1/2 km then ran another 1.5 km. Hopefully I can do 5km in 30 minutes within another month. I am consistenly running a 6 minute km (10 min mile) so I am happy with that.

03-31-2007, 04:24 PM
It sounds like everyone is doing really well. Way to go KSH. That's a huge milestone, not only did you have your biggest month ever, but you also cracked 50 mi.:D :D

KG, you're doing way better as well.

I ran on Thursday. I couldn't get my HR to behave properly, so I cut my run short, I did a 1 hour run rather than 1.5. I love rest week.

Tomorrow is my 1 mile test day. I hope it goes as well as my swim and bike did. The only problem is that I rode harder than I should have today, but I was having sooooo much fun. DH and I finally hooked up with another couple for a ride. Yay, I'm making new friends.

04-01-2007, 10:39 AM
Hi girls,
I had a great brick today. Today is the last day in a hard two week cycle. We did a mt bike ride and DH and I changed and went out for a run. I felt really good. We did a hilly run about 3.5 miles. There is one long hill in the middle, when we got to the top, DH was in front, and he says over his shoulder, pull it back and let your hr recover....so I did what any self respecting girl would do...I passed him...he says, oh no folks, she is picking up the pace!
And then he smoked me. Darn long legs of his.

So I did well this week, two hilly trail runs, and a recovery run. No big miles like some of y'all, but hard hilly runs.

04-01-2007, 11:18 AM
Sunday long run, one of the biggest one before our May 6th half-marathon. Had a great little group of four this morning. I had planned a 16.2 km running route that would take us down to the beach, steeply back up in the woods and then on a somewhat-level ground back home. I was sick of runs when we had to finish by going up that huge hill.

It went quite well, and I was proud of the route I charted. We had lots to talk about so it was pleasant too. The only thing I'm puzzled about is my heart rate. Geez, I had a 182 average HR. It's always an issue when I run with a group, especially two of these girls who are faster runners. And, granted, there's that very steep hill we have to run up for about 2km. But more often than not my HR was in the 180s. It's a LONG time to be in the 180s!!! Still, I was conversational most of the time (but timed my interventions to be on the downhills!! hehe). I guess the talking brought the HR up by a few beats.

We finished in 1h33m, which means about a 5m50s/km pace (a little below 10min/mile?), so that's great too. According to Mr. Polar I burnt 1000 calories on the dot, which I thought was cute. Walking 1 min every 20 rocks, it makes the finish much more pleasant...

Anyway, I'm tired but happy and not exhausted, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the HR thing. I've downed two heavy bread-peanut butter-honey-jam toasts (yes, all of that on one piece) and a bottle of water, will have a (cold) shower and a 10 minute nap, then go back to work. I think I'll be fine on that half-marathon, especially considering that I'll run it on my own, at my self-controlled pace.

I think I followed my plan for this week, except that I didn't swim and took a full rest day instead. Bring on another week!

04-01-2007, 01:31 PM
Finally back in the woods... the slight hangover from a party last night did not combine well with a first run in 3 weeks.

We lasted about 35 mins total with some goofing off on the trailside exercise stations. I cannot to a pull-up for the life of me. DBF will coach me until I can.... he promised.

Hip is no worse than before. Will keep going easy.

04-01-2007, 02:01 PM
We lasted about 35 mins total with some goofing off on the trailside exercise stations. I cannot to a pull-up for the life of me. DBF will coach me until I can.... he promised.

Humm that's pretty cool I wish we had those around here! Maybe there's a park somewhere where there's monkey bars? It would make a nice distraction from running running running...

04-01-2007, 02:22 PM
Brick day!

Ride: 1h 13m 36s 20.36 miles 16.60 miles/hr

Went out to White Rock Lake to ride and run.

Did the first loop of my ride, and on one of the side of the lake it was miserable- thanks to a carnival of sorts.

So, instead of going around 3 times, I only made it two. Oh well.

I had fun with it though, even stopped to get a bullet pop. HA!

After the ride, I went to run!

Run: 36m 3.00 miles 12m /mile

My first 2 miles were at a 11:30 minute pace. Then I ran off the path where I knew the distance. So, I ran for 36 minutes, assuming I was doing around a 12 minute mile.

It was a decent run. NO SIDE CRAMP! HELL YEA!

Although, my hammys are hurting from yesterday (a 40 mile bike ride with tons of hills!)... I actually started walking at one point. So not like me!

04-01-2007, 04:42 PM
Nice work team.

Bad news is I won't likely be coming up for the Vancouvver Marathon or Half. Darn, I was hoping to link up with Grog and some other friends.

Good news is that I ran 6.31 mi today with my test one miler in the middle.

I shaved some time of my test mile. That means I improved all the way around on my test sets this week.

I get to start some harder intensity workouts next week. :eek:

04-01-2007, 06:58 PM
Bad news is I won't likely be coming up for the Vancouvver Marathon or Half. Darn, I was hoping to link up with Grog and some other friends.

That's too bad Wahine :(

There's lots of other running events in Vancouver though. And I'll most likely be out there cheering for you for the Big Day in August. :)

04-01-2007, 07:03 PM
As I was running and suffering today, I realized a few things about running at sea level in a coastal location.

Sweating this much sucks!
It's so humid I can't breathe!
How can these people wear pants and shirts with sleeves???

And a personal note: I've decided that I do not like running on flat terrain. I found a 112-stair stairway up from the beach and did 5 repeats on it. That made me feel a little better.

I think it's kind of for the same reason I don't like riding flats: when you are running or riding uphill, it's easier to give yourself permission to go slower. :p

04-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Big Day in August - IM Penticton??

04-01-2007, 09:46 PM
Big Day in August - IM Penticton??

Yup. That's the one. I'm fully expecting you to be there cheering. LBTC too.

04-01-2007, 09:47 PM
I will consider that just for you Wahine. :)

Dh and I are hoping to ride the IM bike route for fun this spring/summer.