I decided I wanted to start adding running to my workout. DH has decided he wants to join me. I have never been a good runner, I'm absolutely terrible at it, but that is sort of what is motivating me. If I could run 3-5 miles, it would be a huge accomplishment for me.

Anyway, DH and I went running for the first time in about a year last week. It was quite hot and humid out, maybe in the upper 80s with 80% humidity and I ended up getting really sick to my stomach feeling. DH is the type who can just decide to start running and run 5 miles with no conditioning, I am not, so I did push myself hard because of him. I know if you over exert, you can get nauseated, but my sick to the stomach feeling wasn't nausea, it felt like if I ran anymore, I would need a bathroom ASAP. Any idea of what can cause this? I really don't want that to happen again. We probably only did 1.5 miles, half of which I walked. Oh, and it wasn't a run, it was more of a jog.

Any tips for getting into running would be much appreciated.