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Thread: bear - oh my

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Red Stick

    bear - oh my

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    OK - this isn't my adventure story, but it sounds pretty cool! This post showed up on a wookworking forum Mr. Fish was reading...

    "Coming down from JumpOff rock this evening on Laurel Park Hwy. A great road with lots of 30mph sweepers. Very fun descent. I was leading the charge and having an exciting time. It almost got more exciting when a smaller specimen of Ursus Americanus decided to cross the road in front of me. Came round a bend and saw a fuzzy black animal on the side of the road. From a distance it looked like a Chow. Not the most friendly of the Canis gang. As I rapidly closed the distance, it became very obvious that we were dealing with Ursus and not Canis. My guesstimate is about 80-100 lbs. Not full grown but it would have hurt had I hit it. Got a little concerned that maybe mama was lingering about but I saw or heard no other critter than this one.
    It makes having a dog run out in front of me seem kinda mundane. "

    Now that's a sight!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida
    I hate and fear bears. I had a three-bear-run-in vacation in Yosemite when I was a teenager, culminating with:

    I'm in my little pup tent, with my cousin, asleep. I'm having a dream- a tree has fallen on the tent, and I can't sit up!! I wake up, and I can't sit up!! A bear is ON THE TENT, and has broken all the tent poles. I scream, loudly. It runs off, up a tree. Dogs in the campground go crazy. I ask my sister's husband (we're waiting for her to join us) if I can sleep in his tent. He says no. I spend the night in the concrete-with-a-door bathroom, and am scarred for life.

    There are bears here, to the south, where I like to trail run. I don't like that, but I _really_ don't like the Grizzlies out west.

    I probably shouldn't have read "Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance" or watched "Grizzley Man."

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Marin County CA
    Wow Nanci - great new picture! (Sorry thread drift in the wrong thread).

    Amazing stories. I bet a bear sitting on your tent is not fun at all.

    I saw 2 bears while cycling Tioga Pass in Yosemite. They were in the distance, so no real concerns. It was mostly a cool nature experience.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Central Florida
    We went on a family vacation in Grand Teton and Yellowstone many years ago. I guess Kelly, my daughter, was big enough to hike by herself. It was the year my mom died- just days afterwards. We rode horses in Grand Teton, and saw a cinnamon-colored black bear. We went to Yellowstone next- but I just couldn't hike comfortably because of all the bear sighting with date and time signs. We went back to GT, where a runner had been killed by a bear while we were gone...

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    WA, Australia
    Bears scare the hell out of me. My husband and I went to Alaska backpacking before we had kids and stayed in the back country in Denali National Park. It was beautiful but in the back of my mind was always the thought of what if that big grizzly comes this way. Didnt help that we had to have a bear brief from the ranger before leaving for the back country. He told us if you get in trouble with a bear you need to try to identify what sort of bear it is because the way you should react is different for the two types of bear. MY GOD Im an Aussie I dont know one bear from the other. My husband tried to make me feel better by saying hey you dont need to remember all this just remember to run faster than the person you are with.

    We survived but I cant say it was a relaxing holiday. Tents sure do seem thin when large wildlife is around.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Red Stick
    We don't need to be scared of bears - we just need to bring the super territorial Jack the cat (from Duck on Wheels' post)


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yep, we have a friend who lives in Alaska. He has a Dirty Harry pistol (357 mag) and my husband told him he's the only guy he knows who really would need that much firepower--you can't mess around with those huge bears!
    Whoever said last man standing wins never asked a girl to play!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    hey now bears aren't that bad! i live around them every day. they just make you realize that your not on the top of the food chain. around here they just don't care much for you except for the really old and big ones. we have one we call the landlord... who knows how old he is but he's probably close to 13ft. BIG BOY. he won't move for the truck. hope i don't run into him on the bike.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Central Florida

    Just Heard On Podcast

    Mountain biker mauled by black bear near Banff
    AUTHOR: Sherri Zickefoose and Craig Douce

    Calgary Herald
    May 14, 2006

    Cries for help saved the life of a mauled mountain biker as he was dragged into the trees and guarded as prey by a black bear in Banff.

    The 41-year-old was cycling alone on a densely wooded trail east of Tunnel Mountain Road on the outskirts of town Friday evening when the unusual, prolonged attack occurred.

    "This potentially was a predatory attack," said Ian Syme, Banff National Park's chief park warden.

    "There are indications there was a struggle for some time," he said, adding the incident is abnormal because, after most surprise confrontations, bears are known to leave the area.

    "He's very lucky he was found when he was."

    The bear slashed and bit the man, and dragged him 50 to 70 metres off the trail into the trees.

    The unidentified Banff man underwent surgery in Foothills hospital overnight and is listed in stable condition.

    Mountain bikers Robert Earl and Robin Borstmayer are credited with interrupting the bear's attack and saving the victim's life. They came across the man's bicycle -- and a broken blue helmet -- lying across the popular bike path shortly after 8 p.m.

    It was a bike Earl instantly recognized because it belonged to a town office colleague who occasionally rides with them.

    But the bleeding man was nowhere to be seen, until he cried out.

    "It was a cry for help from the woods: 'Help, help me,' " said Earl, who is Banff's town manager.

    The man yelled out a warning that the bear was still nearby.

    Borstmayer peddled to a nearby campground to get help and Earl stayed behind to protect his injured friend, who was in shock.

    "The bear would disappear over a rise perhaps 50 yards away. We would lose sight for five minutes or so, and then the bear would reappear," he said.

    A warden shot and killed the unhealthy-looking, underweight bear after it refused to leave the scene despite the growing number of emergency services staff and wardens arriving.

    The young male bear is believed to weigh only around 150 pounds, he said.

    "We're very confident this was the bear involved. He was not in very good shape. He probably was food stressed," said Syme.

    A necropsy was performed on the bear Saturday to help wardens learn about its health and if it was diseased.

    "I don't think there's any question if we hadn't shown up it would be a different story," said Borstmayer, who added the bear encounter is his first.

    "I'm glad that I was on that trail last night. And I'm glad I could help a friend in need," said Earl. "He's a valued town employee and certainly my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family."

    The man suffered chest and arm injuries and was rushed to Banff Mineral Springs Hospital and flown by STARS to Calgary's Foothills hospital.

    Last June, Isabelle Dube, 36, of Canmore was killed by a grizzly bear. Dube, a Quebec native, had been cross-country running in the area with two other women at the time of the attack.

    Earlier this month, conservation officers closed a number of backcountry areas and trails in that same area due to roaming grizzly bears.

    Wardens estimate there are eight to 10 grizzlies near the Banff townsite. Five to seven black bears are also in the area. With deep snow in the backcountry, bears are lured to the valley bottoms in search of food.

    Wardens are reminding people to travel in groups, make noise, and watch the trail ahead, especially in areas of low visibility. They also warn people to be extra cautious during early morning and at dusk.
    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Red Stick
    Yeeeesh that's scary. That guy was really lucky. Sounds like an atypical encounter with a not-so-well bear.



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