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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just North of Dallas

    National - Ride of Silence - May 17th - this Wednesday

    Don't Forget - no matter where you are, there is likely one near you -
    Check the website for time and locations:


    If you will be here in Dallas - it is suggested that you park elsewhere and ride in to White Rock.
    The space and time for what you WANT is being occupied by what you have settled for

    "You say bark I say bite / You say shark I say hey man / Jaws was never my scene / And I don't like Star Wars"

    BikeDFW - Dallas and Fort Worth Area Cycling Advocacy Organization

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just North of Dallas

    Make that INTERnational...

    As other countries are doing them too!
    The space and time for what you WANT is being occupied by what you have settled for

    "You say bark I say bite / You say shark I say hey man / Jaws was never my scene / And I don't like Star Wars"

    BikeDFW - Dallas and Fort Worth Area Cycling Advocacy Organization

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida
    There's one in my city for the first year, which is good, because I was going to drive 90 miles to Jacksonville.

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson



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