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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia

    Western australian lurkers

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    I know there are a few of us so far (mel & lbd)but i'm sure there are some lurkers out there....

    So, your mission is to fess up and let us know you're out there and ready to ride...MTB girl here and am looking for other chickies to ride with.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Perth, Western Australia

    Well, I'm prepared to let you know that I'm out here...


    Yup - I am officially a WA-based lurker - living in Perths' Western suburbs. I'm totally new at this game, so wouldn't be much of a cycling companian, but will keep you posted when my legs get faster!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    south west of Western Australia
    Hi, I live in Busselton in the south west, no good for a riding companion for you Perth girls. I mostly ride a roadie - usually 3 or 4 rides a week.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    HEy ladies,

    Anna-i found myself (thanks mel!) a road bike & would love to go for a womble to freo or something.

    Mags-Ello..Did you volunteer at the Half Ironman this year??? I had tons of fun but ohhhhh so tiring as well. Little black duck lives in busso as well!!
    Perhaps we might be able to meet up at the Ironman in november-i'll be volunteering for sure!!!

    Ciao !


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    south west of Western Australia
    Hi crazycanuck, no I didn't volunteer this year, though I have done on 2 previous years. My husband did the event as an individual entry, I wanted to be free to watch it, to see how he was going. It was such a good day, beautiful weather. I will definitely be involved in some way at the Ironman later in the year. I vollied on an drink station on the run leg last year. It was a long day. I don't know how some of them did it...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    Just me again,

    I received an email today from the Ironman WA volunteer coordinator rick & thought i might pass this on. If you're interested in helping at the 06 ironman, let me know & i;'ll point you in the right direction.

    Ironman's aside..

    Kiwi in oz...are ya still biking???


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    south west of Western Australia
    Hi crazycanuck, I'm on the email list, so I get the newsletters. I'm gonna try to find a more interesting job this year than just handing out drinks... see if I can get one of the positions of riding the run leg behind 1st, 2nd and 3rd runners.. that would be fun! They need at least 8 riders I think, 1-2-3 male, 1-2-3 female, last runner and then one for each wheelchair. Wouldn't want to be behind the last runner though, I saw that one a couple of times, she was actually just walking her bike behind him, really late at night. With the run leg 42 km, it'd be a long walk.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycanuck

    Kiwi in oz...are ya still biking???


    Yep - still biking - and trying to remember to take my feet out of the pedals...

    You've got a new bike then? Fun?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    Hey mags,

    I;'m going to email rick (the volunteer guy) and ask him for something a bit exciting. He said in his email that the early birds get the best jobs...The ones you've mentioned sound exciting. Following the last person wouldn't be an ideal job but if noone else wants to do it, i will.

    Kiwi in oz..both bikes are great! Road for road, mtn bike for off road...It's so nice being able to get up on road hills so fast!!!! As always, let me know if you wanna go for a spin.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I haven't been on for a while, and sorry Canuck for not catching up with you at the 1/2, I ended up volunteering for the whole race and was totally stuffed afterwards. But it was great fun .

    At the 1/2 I was an "AM Floater" and the best job I had was marking the athletes biceps and thighs with their race numbers. Great job girls if you want to do it, some of them bods are hubba hubba and I've never had so many men drop their dacks in front of me .

    I've asked Rick if I can volunteer as one of those who drapes the towel over the athletes as they cross the finish line. I've heard that's a pretty cool job. My girlfriend and I were at the finishers line at the WAIronman last November watching and cheering on the last few participants and the atmosphere was unbelievable! So many people, so much dancing, so much cheering, so many tears of joy and happiness. Truly amazing and an experience I will never forget. I just love volunteering .



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