That sounds pretty messy, RnR. The east coast weather has been amazing.
I did 3.25 miles yesterday in 78-80 degrees with close to 100% humidity, so I do feel your pain. It was miserable. Last year this time, even down here in Mexico, it was a bit cooler. We are also above normal. It was a hard effort yesterday, and I was slow -- now I know why: woke up with a sore throat in the middle of the night, so it appears I have a cold coming on. SIGH. Merry Christmas to me. NOT!
Knowing my usual pattern of colds that finish up with a lingering bad cough, I probably won't be running for awhile or doing much of anything. Double SIGH. 
2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow