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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Los Angeles

    I've gone round the bend. Wanna come?

    So I'm getting back to serious cycling after a 6 year hiatus (kids). Rather, I should say, I have intentions to get back to it. You see, I'm recovering from an arthroscopic hip surgery (FAI/labrum tear) that I had less than a month ago. AND my PT only will let me ride a stationary bike at Level 1 for 10 min every other day.

    But what am I doing? icing, resting, and doing dumb PT exercises all while reading about Tris, fantasizing about tris, surfing the web for info on tris, and generally rekindling my addictive personality towards this sport. In my mind, I'm ready for an Ironman.

    Another piece of fun: I've never done a triathlon! I've done bike races (century), and I've run a bunch of short races, but stopped short of a marathon this past spring when my hip gave out. (got up to 18 miles and I was pulled from the ranks )

    Anyway, I know I'm crazy. But hey. It takes a dash of crazy to do this, right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    northern Virginia
    Well I personally think triathlons are crazy. Though of course most of my friends think the things I do are crazy, so it's a type of crazy that I respect.

    Having a goal is a great way to stay motivated while you're recovering. I would set some sub-goals too, like shorter single-sport events, rather than jumping in with something big that ends up frustrating, stressful or de-motivational if your recovery goes through some slow phases or gets a bit derailed by temporary setbacks. But yeah, dare to dream.

    What does your PT think of swimming for your recovery? I don't know anything about the type of injury you're getting over but sometimes swimming is a great way to get back into being active.

    - Gray 2010 carbon WSD road bike, Rivet Independence saddle
    - Red hardtail 26" aluminum mountain bike, Bontrager Evoke WSD saddle
    - Royal blue 2018 aluminum gravel bike, Rivet Pearl saddle

    Gone but not forgotten:
    - Silver 2003 aluminum road bike
    - Two awesome worn out Juliana saddles

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Los Angeles
    Very good advice, re: short sub-goals.

    Interestingly, my PT won't let me swim yet. I am to "walk" in the pool. No swimming yet. I can ride a stationary bike - but at low levels of intensity. Sigh.

    I do plan on taking it slowly, as I don't want to cause any irreversible damage. I'm just NOT good at being patient!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Olney, MD
    Triathlon is the best kind of crazy!

    Whatever you decide, please get clearance from your doctor, start it slow, and listen to your body so that you don't do too much too soon.
    I'd rather be swimming...biking...running...and eating cheesecake...

    2008 Cervelo P2C Tri bike
    2011 Trek Madone 5.5/Cobb V-Flow Max
    2007 Jamis Coda/Terry Liberator
    2011 Trek Mamba 29er

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pacific Northwest
    Quote Originally Posted by HillSlugger View Post
    Triathlon is the best kind of crazy!

    Whatever you decide, please get clearance from your doctor, start it slow, and listen to your body so that you don't do too much too soon.
    Everything that HillSlugger said.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pacific Northwest
    Thought you all might like this. Hector Picard is a bilateral arm amputee who is about to do Kona. Wonderfully enough, I saw him in August when I volunteered to hand out rider packets at Paris-Brest-Paris. https://novationsettlementsolutions....ful-triathlon/

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    northern Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by HillSlugger View Post
    Triathlon is the best kind of crazy!

    Whatever you decide, please get clearance from your doctor, start it slow, and listen to your body so that you don't do too much too soon.
    Hey stranger!! Good to hear from you. I hope all is well up there in your neck of the DMV.

    - Gray 2010 carbon WSD road bike, Rivet Independence saddle
    - Red hardtail 26" aluminum mountain bike, Bontrager Evoke WSD saddle
    - Royal blue 2018 aluminum gravel bike, Rivet Pearl saddle

    Gone but not forgotten:
    - Silver 2003 aluminum road bike
    - Two awesome worn out Juliana saddles

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Olney, MD
    Quote Originally Posted by ny biker View Post
    Hey stranger!! Good to hear from you. I hope all is well up there in your neck of the DMV.
    Hi, I don't come on here much lately, but I still get alerts for new threads, etc in the triathlon group.

    Life is good; tri life, swimming, and running have been really good; lots of PRs and podiums this year.

    How's by you?
    I'd rather be swimming...biking...running...and eating cheesecake...

    2008 Cervelo P2C Tri bike
    2011 Trek Madone 5.5/Cobb V-Flow Max
    2007 Jamis Coda/Terry Liberator
    2011 Trek Mamba 29er



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