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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Uncanny Valley

    Bikeyface: Fear of Sweat

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    Although, personally I'd put ice cream (or any dairy on a hot day!) well into the "definitely shower" zone ...
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Concord, MA
    I saw this earlier. Generally, I don't care a bit about sweat, but the very high humidity combined with 90 degrees stopped me from commuting yesterday. No amount of bath wipes and sponging off myself would make me dry off and cool down, without a shower, in that weather. I know the exact point where there is nothing I can do to stop the copious sweat, even if I ride slowly. There have been days when it's 60 and humid that I am on the edge, but, the heat adds in a special mix.
    I am always in awe that others can finish a ride and take off their helmet, shake out their hair, and it is straight, shiny, and dry.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Uncanny Valley
    Yeah, I know. There's sweat and there's sweat (you should've seen the puddles I inadvertently left, while stretching in front of my computer, after my run the other day )

    But I know you know who this is talking about, too. Like the woman who used to be in my aerobics class, who would show up seven days a week, freshly coiffed and wearing makeup like those portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, and immediately would crank the thermostat down so low that everyone in the class was in danger of pulling a muscle if they actually exerted themselves. If her pores even opened a little bit she freaked. I really don't get that - maybe it's how certain women were raised???
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  4. #4
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    If it's hot and humid I get sweaty sitting perfectly still…. so may as well work for it and at least moving around I create my own breeze. I do shower when I get to work, but why not, we have them and that means I don't have to do it before I leave and I don't have to care about just how soaked I am when I get there. I take a walk at lunch and usually get sweaty doing that too (I climb most of the stairs on campus), but really unless I'm out sweating buckets for a prolonged period of time, it just evaporates. I don't find myself to be overly aromatic unless I've been out really stewing all day - sure the end of a long day of hiking in 80+ temps and I probably will not want to subject unsuspecting people to my grubbiness, but a little walk or bike ride that's nothing.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Concord, MA
    I think that's true, because I have had friends who say they hate to sweat. Of course, these are the same people who complain about being overweight! I don't give a crap about sweating while exercising, I would just like to be able to comb my hair and have it be straight *after* I am done. A lot of my riding involves socializing afterwards, so short of going back to the spikes, I travel with my flat iron (DH's car has an outlet) or a hat!
    I wore a "bralette"'crop top at the gym yesterday, despite the good AC, I was the most sopped person there. I even used Nuun in my bottle, it was so humid outside/hot. I felt a little naked, but it did help. I know 61 year old women probably shouldn't wear tops like this, but, it's just my brain telling me to be self conscious.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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  6. #6
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    Our heat and humidity is pretty much at the "doing anything in Florida" zone right now. Sweat puddles are a fact of life. Went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday and felt like I needed another shower (drip, drip). I agree most people shower too much - but Southern US heat + humidity is a whole 'nother animal. I've been home from a ride for 30 minutes and my hair is still soaked (Garmin update delayed my shower).

    I don't particularly like to sweat when I don't intend to. When I work out - bring it on. That's what towels are for if one happens to be inside.
    Most days in life don't stand out, But life's about those days that will...

  7. #7
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    Uncanny Valley
    I know, I know ... geez, you guys. Yes, I'm well aware that humidity in the northeastern US for the past three summers is worse than what it normally is in Florida. I'm living it too, and I not only spent one summer in Florida, I've been keeping my eye on the weather reports from there so I know whereof. Welcome to our new climate. But you KNOW what she's talking about ...
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Oh I know! I had just gotten back from a ride and was dripping when I wrote my response! It's a point well taken - just maybe not in the middle of the heat wave we are having!
    Most days in life don't stand out, But life's about those days that will...

  9. #9
    Jolt is offline Dodging the potholes...
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    Yes, the heat and humidity has been awful these past few days! Not my kind of weather, makes it hard to feel motivated to do much (which in turn makes me feel like a lazy bum, which is frustrating). I guess one could say I have a love-hate relationship with sweating...there is something satisfying about exerting yourself and working up a good sweat, but being sweat-soaked afterward or when not doing something active feels kind of gross.
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  10. #10
    Jolt is offline Dodging the potholes...
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    Quote Originally Posted by OakLeaf View Post
    But I know you know who this is talking about, too. Like the woman who used to be in my aerobics class, who would show up seven days a week, freshly coiffed and wearing makeup like those portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, and immediately would crank the thermostat down so low that everyone in the class was in danger of pulling a muscle if they actually exerted themselves. If her pores even opened a little bit she freaked. I really don't get that - maybe it's how certain women were raised???
    I don't get it either...but you're probably right that it has something to do with how they were brought up. They were probably taught that it's important to look "pretty" and put-together at all times (more important than being strong and capable) and that being sweaty and disheveled isn't "ladylike". Some people's priorities are a bit off.
    2011 Surly LHT
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  11. #11
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    first of all see my ride report for today, feels like temperature of 103 at 10:30 am. Helmet head combined with cowlicks all over the head is why I keep my hair very short. There are sweat rings on top of sweat rings on top of sweat rings all over the garage floor where I prep my bike for the next ride post ride. I have fund that the the only solution is to ride more often ,ride early, and ride more often. It isn't really a solution but at least it helps me keep moving. I also change my routes so that I can take advantage of all possible shade. I guess the main thing is to keep riding and think chilly thoughts.
    Katy, Texas
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Western Canada-prairies, mountain & ocean
    I always believe it's better to have lived in a region and cycle where summer often high humidity @ 90-100% and temp. 30 degrees C and above. Ontario summers for first 3.5 decades one grows stronger tolerance for other hot temp. variations.

    Then other summers where I am 28 degrees C but 70% humidity or less but a lot less tree cover, strong sun and bright blue skies....isn't so bad here in the Canadian prairies. Or in Vancouver it is more humid 75% 25-sometimes 30 degrees C...with light ocean air..still is pleasant. I miss a lot of trees here out in the prairies during the summer.

    I find prolonged open sky, bright sunlight with no trees in sight, on my face not pleasant after 2 hrs. or so of riding. There are times I wonder if all this sunlight exposure for hrs. and hrs., is slowly giving us cataracts ...even with sunglass protection.

    I can't really complain about being super uncomfortable.

    I was in contact with an American who lived in Hawai'i for over 2 decades of her life, thought Hawai'i was windy and cooler...than ie. Thailand.

    I don't sweat in the same way as others, when it's tropical humid and am cycling. Just my face looks a lot redder, hair wetter. But again, dries very fast.

    Just remember there are some women who see us....and may actually harbor secret envy: she's got gumption to ride this weather.
    Last edited by shootingstar; 07-23-2015 at 06:37 PM.
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