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We had no issues at all. DH and the plow guy did their magic. DH went to work on Wednesday around 11 and I drove to my friend's (4 miles) and we went snow shoeing. The roads were kind of narrow as there's just not that much room to throw all that snow. I drove to Hudson (36 inches) on Thursday am... so much snow piled up in the HS lot that there were about half the usual spaces and the traffic was backed up for a mile to the school. I was late and my first client came before I got there! But, fabulous x country skiing later in the day, 7 miles from my house.
We had sleet/rain/snow today, but there's been some melting, as it was 33 today and yesterday. More snow (6-12 inches predicted for Monday). MOst likely will not go to work, as they will all cancel anyway.
Tomorrow, we are going x country skiing at Windblown, about an hour away, and then staying up there at a B&B, so we will ski again Sunday, and then come home and go to a really nice restaurant for dinner, while the rest of the world watches the Super Bowl.
2015 Trek Silque SSL
Specialized Oura
2011 Guru Praemio
Specialized Oura
2017 Specialized Ariel Sport