Ok, so I've always had a tendency to get DOMS, at least compared to my dh and friends. I don't know if why, but I suspect I just am stupid enough to go all out on a first workout of some kind because it's such fun to do something new... Anyway, several times a year my family is treated to the sight of me gingerly backing down the stairs and hobbling around like I'm 92.

Now it's caused by running. I've been running twice a week for the last few weeks with no ill effects, with Nike Free shoes that I've run lots with. I hadn't used my VFFs for a while, so the day before yesterday I ran with them instead. Same short semicommute distance, ok, so I did do one sprint up a tiny hill, but still. My calves have felt like solid blocks of wood for two days now...

So is this something I should be avoiding? No sharp or shooting pains anywhere, no excessive swelling, I can cycle fine but I sure am not running anywhere for a while. I love running in the VFFs but it's too much hassle if this is going to happen every time I haven't used them for a while.