Hi, I've been reading here and decided it was time to introduce myself!

I'm a 30-something at home mom and just started riding again last summer after about 5 yrs off my bike. My husband has been a pretty serious rider in charity events for over 6 yrs. Two yrs ago, our daughter was diagnosed with type one diabetes so that is where his focus has shifted. Up until last summer, I was content to be the wife on the sidelines; or not even at the event! Last year, he participated in two rides that support JDRF and the kids and I volunteered at aid stations. Last fall, I dug my walmart mountain bike out of the shed and started riding a few days a week with a couple friends. It was a blast! I committed myself to riding in a charity ride the following summer (was last weekend- 28 miles) All year, I told myself that if I stuck with it in the spring and completed the ride last weekend, I would look into getting a new bike. So I guess that's where I'm at!

We've done a little looking around. DH has a Trek Madone that he loves so we've looked at those. I loved my quick test ride of a Silque, but I know I need to shop around more. We've checked a couple local shops but are having a hard time finding anything above a base model in stock. Most of the advice I've gotten is to buy something I can "grow into" especially since I am not generally an "upgrader".